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网络舆情已成为社会情报的一种重要表现形式。Net-mediated public sentiment has become one format of social information.

这些话语共同构成了新媒体舆情的主要表达内容。These discourses co-compose main expression contents of public opinions of new media.

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本文从危机管理的角度,对网络舆情的监管问题进行研究。From the perspective of crisis management, this thesis studies on the supervision of the network public sentiment.

随着网络的兴起,网络舆情开始受到人们的重视并发展起来。With arising of web, the network public sentiment is being concerned more and more and it has got a great development.

如何做好网络舆情的临战引导,是对临战指挥者在新时期做好维护社会稳定工作的一个新考验。How to make net-mediated public sentiment emergency response guidance is new work to the emergency response commanders in new era.

而高校学生和青年知识分子年龄的独特性使得他们成为网络舆情不可或缺的主体构成。The uniqueness of well educated young students makes them the major and indispensable components of the internet public sentiment.

近年来,一些重大的网络舆情事件使人们开始认识到网络舆情对社会监督起到的巨大作用。In recent years, people start to know the biggest function of social intendance by some important Internet public feeling's affairs.

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青年自组织的蓬勃发展使其舆情信息功能日益凸显。The booming development of the youth self-organization has made the information function of public sentiment prominent increasingly.

所以,网络舆情已经成为一种必然的社会现象,对于舆情的管理也随之成为必然。Therefore, the internet public sentiment has become an inevitable social phenomenon and the management of it has become more urgent.

在现代西方社会,“民意调查”一般包括对民意、舆情、舆论的调查。In modern western society, public-opinion poll commonly includes the investigation of public opinions, public feelings and consensus.

徐雷智饰演的郭飞是一名报社的社会新闻记者,凭借犀利敏锐的文笔一次次拨动了上海滩的社会舆情。Xu Leizhi plays Guo Fei, a newspaper reporter with the social news, sharp writing again touched the social public opinion in Shanghai.

中国传媒大学公关舆情研究所科研队伍主要由中国传媒大学及有关学术机构的专家学者组成。Our team is made up of scholars and experts from CUC and other noteworthy specialists in the field of public relations and public opinion.

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复杂的网络舆情给高校的思想政治工作提出了新的挑战,保障高校信息文化安全势在必行。The complicated network public sentiment on Internet imposes a new challenge on the political and ideological work in universities and colleges.

网络舆情越来越引起人们的关注,特别是政府部门对网络是突发事件、重大事件的网络发帖、新闻跟帖等关注。We pay more and more attention to network public sentiment. Especially, the government concerns the net post and net news of emergencies and important events.

在网络舆情分析中,人们迫切需要自动化的工具在海量信息中抽取所需要的信息,以供进一步分析利用。In online public opinion analysis, the people need for automatic tools to find the exact information among the magnanimous information sources for further analysis.

舆论和舆情是一对从属概念,两者既有共同点又有差异性,必须对两者进行必要的关系辨析。Public opinion and public sentiment are a pair of concepts, which have some similarities and differences and therefore it is necessary to analyze their relationships.

挖掘技术为网上大量以非结构化数据形式出现的舆情信息分析提供了方法和技术支持。Text mining technology provides support and solution for the deep mining and analysis of net-mediated public sentiment, which is in the form of unstructured data on the network.

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作为第三方机构的行业协会一中国互联网协会的加盟,则使互联网舆情管制效果得到大大提升。As a third-party institution China Internet Association, a trade association to join, then the effect of making the Internet the control of public opinion to be greatly enhanced.

确实,网络舆情控制是中国企业普遍面对的问题。而对那些规模较小、无力雇佣公关公司家庭企业而言,这个问题尤为困扰。It is a common problem faced by many Chinese businesses, and can be particularly hard on small, family-run firms that cannot afford to hire a PR firm to protect their reputation.

在资讯时代,掌握媒体舆情可以帮助地方政府了解社情民意,进行科学决策。In the information age, to master the media public opinion can help local governments understand the social conditions and public opinion and carry out scientific decision-making.