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每一幕都雷霆万钧!Every Scene has a thunder!

声似雷霆万钧,势如万马奔腾。Sound like force of a thunderbolt, potential, such as full steam ahead.

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让球迷怀念的是,在1971年阿森纳夺得双冠王那年,他在足总杯决赛对利物浦的比赛中打入了雷霆万钧的制胜一球。Memorably, he clinched the Double in 1971 with a thunderous winner in the FA Cup final against Liverpool.

奔跑如风驰电掣,咆哮如雷霆万钧,它们就是一直被奉为“百兽之王”的老虎。RUNNING like the wind, roaring like thunder, tigers have long been respected as a king of the animal world.

奔跑如风驰电掣,咆哮如雷霆万钧,它们就是一直被奉为“百兽之王”的老虎。Running like the wind, roaring like thunder, tigers have long been respected as a king of the ani-mal world.

此时他回到维也纳,乐思泉涌,一八零三年写出了雷霆万钧的第三号「英雄」交响曲。" At this time he returned to Vienna, Crawshaw Spring, in 1803 the Thundering Third write "Heroes" Symphony.

诺曼第登陆之后,盟军的入侵之势锐不可当,以雷霆万钧的速度横扫德国。After the D-Day landings in Normandy, Allied invasion forces are on a roll. They sweep towards Germany with lightning speed.

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虽然没有惊涛骇浪,但有一种排山倒海的气势在起伏,有一种雷霆万钧的力量在激荡。Although no stormy seas, but there is a mounting momentum in the ups and downs, there is a strength in one another, who have.

目标阵地化为一片火海,千军万马以雷霆万钧之势奔涌而袭。Target position melt into an a sea of fire, 1000 army 10 thousand horses flush with the situation of as powerful as a thunderbolt and raid.

风笛、鼓手、横笛吹奏者和喇叭手吹奏的声音迴响在战场上,直到部队遭受步枪攻击、大炮的爆炸声崩溃和骑兵如雷霆万钧的冲锋而结束。Bagpipes, drummers, flautists and trumpeters will fill the air with play out over the crack of musket fire, the boom of artillery and the thunderous charge of cavalry.

后金以其训练精良的弓箭手,搭配雷霆万钧的铁骑,大败过度迷信火器的明军。Although the Ming army was equipped with a large quantity of firearms , it was nevertheless completely defeated by the well trained archers and armed cavalry of the Manchu troops.

缺少了GMU基地上雷霆万钧的大炮,法拉戈号只能求助于火力较弱的武器,即使事情看来毫无希望,武器战位上的船员们依然顽强地开火再开火。Lacking the grand slam of the GMU's cannon, the Farrago turned to its lesser weapons, gamely firing and firing, weapons crews staying at their stations even though things seemed hopeless.

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值得一提的是,拜纳姆无数个雷霆万钧的灌篮打的太阳屁滚尿流找不着北,从此他的潜能也是人们和整个联盟茶余饭后的话题。Moreover, Andrew's outstanding performance included an array of thunderous ally-oop dunks that sent the Phoenix Suns running for the hills and set the league ablaze with talk of his massive potential.