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有些唇膏中含有鱼鳞。Some lipsticks contain fish scales.

绝大部分的唇膏里都含有鱼鳞成分。Most lipstick contains fish scales.

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所以有鱼鳞的都是鱼。So this is scales things and there's the fish.

大部分唇膏的部分原材料是鱼鳞。Most lipstick is partailly made of fish scales.

第二天早上,东京的上空飘起了鱼鳞云。The next morning, a mackerel sky hung over Tokyo.

雅鱼常有比他们亲戚更小的鱼鳞。Charr often have smaller scales than their relatives.

玉片有点像闪耀的鱼鳞。The jade slips somewhat resemble shining fish scales.

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这是我们知道的,所有的鱼都有鱼鳞。What have we got over here. We have all fish have scales.

青山风吹草动,闪烁着鱼鳞似的亮点。Castle peak drift of flashing like scales of bright spots.

天上鱼鳞斑,地上晒谷不用翻。The sky scales spots, Sun Valley do not turn on the ground.

石蟾蜍长约2米,宽约1米,满身布满鱼鳞状的浅刻花纹。The toad is 2 meters long, 1 meter wide, with intaglios on its body.

一片一片的干燥皮屑使小姿的小腿象鱼鳞一样。Dry and scurfy like making the crus of small gesture resembles scale.

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另外,不要购买那些鱼鳞变成粉红色的鱼类,因为在新鲜的情况下,鱼鳞应该是红色的。Don't accept fish where the gills are pink, they should always be red.

鱼在塘里游晃,鱼鳞似龙背般闪烁。The fish in the pond shook their backs and flashed their dragon scales.

太平洋鲱的鱼鳞沉积速率仅在10594站位集中出现于1890-1900年。The Pacific herring scales were found only in 10594 position in 1890-1900.

于是丑女孩回家了,她用这一天的时间来刮她裙子上的鱼鳞。The ugly girl went away, and spent the day scraping scales from her dress.

我让鱼贩把鱼鳞刮了,这样准备烹制时能省点儿事。I got the fishmonger to skin the fish which helped save on the preparation time.

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临近傍晚,阳光从鱼鳞般的云层中一次次投放出油画般的光彩。Towards evening, the sun from the clouds like scale again put a painting like luster.

靠鱼头的鱼鳞大一些,越靠近鱼尾鱼鳞越小,而鱼的尾巴——竟然是分叉的!They were larger near the head and grew smaller toward the tail. The tail-it was forked!

我开始一排一排地数鱼鳞片,直到我确信这样做毫无意义。I began to count the scales in the different rows, until I was convinced that was nonsense.