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膨胀水箱的清洗。A. expansion water tank cleaning.

他排去储水箱中所有的水。He drained the tank of all water.

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止住水箱溢水。Stop the overflow from the cistern.

请把水箱里的水放掉。Please let the water out of the tank.

这个水箱有内置净水器。The sink has a built-in water purifier.

瓦吉尔,人们站在水箱旁。People stand near water containers in Wajir.

园顶内是装满了水的大水箱。Inside the domes are tanks filled with water.

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这是膨胀水箱是至关重要的。This is where the expansion tank is critical.

把水桶放进马桶水箱。Put the container in your toilet's water tank.

崔太太指着养在水箱里的甲鱼,让8岁的儿子汉森好好瞧瞧。Kim shows son Hansen, 8, a tank of live turtles.

您一定在水箱内放了过多的水草。You must have put too much duckweed in the tank.

排雾管,水箱,集雾器,支撑架等。Clear the mist, water, fog set, supporting frames.

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一个排放活门被安装在水箱底部。A drain valve is located on the bottom of the tank.

地上水箱由钢筋混凝土制成。Aboveground water tank, made of reinforced concrete.

到了那一天,互联网茅厕中水箱的草绳将被拉下。The toilet of the internet will be flushed that day.

他还在储水箱上设置了浮球阀系统。He also devised a float valve system for the cistern.

护坡将灌溉系统的水箱隐藏起来。The berms conceal cisterns for the irrigation system.

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超大排污口,设计合理,水箱清洗方便。Large discharging outlet frecovery tank, easy to clean.

水族馆将该鲨鱼养在一个容量达100万加仑的水箱中。The aquarium houses the shark in a million-gallon tank.

使用节水的龙头、莲蓬头和厕所水箱。Use water-saving faucets, showerheads and toilet tanks.