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而当酒贮放年限太久也会衰退而有醋酸味。A wine that is too old may also be vinegary.

并能减少醋酸致痛小鼠的扭体次数。The mice showed less writhes of abdominal cavity.

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本品呈微堿性,可用稀释的矿物酸或食用醋酸中和之。May be neutralized with dilute mineral acid or vinegar.

结果此法以较高收率合成了美替诺龙醋酸酯。Results Methenolone acetate was prepared in high yield.

醋酸酯淀粉是有机酸酯类衍生物。The acetic ester of starch is organic acids derivatives.

醋酸或甲酸与氢氟酸的混合物。A mixture of acetic or formic acid and hydrofluoric acid.

该方法操作简便,反应时间短,得到的无水醋酸铅的收率也较高。The yield of anhydrous plumbous acetate is also very high.

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建立首批醋酸奥曲肽的国家对照品。To establish the reference standard of octreotide acetate.

分别用葡萄糖酸钠或醋酸钠作为缓冲液。Sodium gluconate or acetate buffer were selected as buffer.

药剂师把20立方厘米醋酸吸入吸量管中。The chemist sucked up 20 cc. of acetic acid into a pipette.

所使用的缩合剂为无水醋酸钠,环化剂为氯化物。Cyclizing agents used are benzene chloride, oleum and so on.

我只好用了一次醋酸氟轻松软膏,一次就好了。I had to use an acetate fluocinolone ointment, one just fine.

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以热板法与醋酸扭体法检测左金总生物碱的镇痛作用。The analgesic effects were assayed by hot-plate and i. p HAc.

乙二醇迅速地被它氧化,生成草酸和羟基醋酸。Glycol is oxidized rapidly by it to oxalic and glycolic acids.

复古风格的醋酸帧是在一个角的塑料切割制作。Retro-inspired acetate frame is crafted in an angular plastic cut.

醋酸仲丁酯有多种用途,主要用作溶剂。Secbutyl acetate had many uses and mainly used as solvent component.

红茶菌是一种由醋酸菌和酵母菌共生发酵得到一种共生体。Kombucha is a kind of symbiosis with yeast and acetic acid bacterium.

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用薄醋酸胶片在上墨的铅字版上压印而成的复制用稿样。An inked reproduction proof pulled from type on thin acetate sheeting.

回收的醋酸钴和醋酸锰可以重复用作催化剂。The recovered cobalt and manganese acetates can be reused for catalyst.

介绍了醋酸铬交联剂的合成方法。The synthetic method of the chromium acetate crosslinker is introduced.