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或者搞一个值日表,轮流坐庄,把办公室弄得整洁有序。Otherwise, according to the duty table, clean the office in turn.

另外,年底不少融资坐庄的资金还得流出。In addition, a number of financing by the end of Zuozhuang funds had outflows.

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房地产商在抄作抬高房价坐庄套现钞,不要上当!Real estate bid up prices in the Chaozuo Zuozhuang sets of cash, not to be taken!

我们已经看到,主要避险货币今年是如何轮流“坐庄”的。We have seen how there has been a rotation of the primary 'risk off' currencies this year.

而且坐庄可以有效地减少赌场收益率,让赌场从您的身上赚得钱更少。But Republicans can effectively reduce the casino returns, let the casino from your body to earn less money.

国际货币在市场上轮流坐庄——20世纪上半叶是美元,近十年来是欧元。Global currencies emerge sporadically—the dollar in the first half of the 20th century, the euro over the past decade.

有时你坐庄,有时别人坐庄,这其中包含着许多牌技与运气。Sometimes you are a resident buyer , sometimes others are a resident buyer , is containing many sign techniques and the luck.

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此外,我国的机构投资者存在着“坐庄行为”偏差,个人投资者“盲目跟庄”严重。More importantly, the Chinese institution investors have the special bias of"Being the Banker"and the individual investors usually follow the banker.

会这种技术的老千往往是一坐庄发牌就连庄把把是同花,也有的直接把提前做好触摸记号的牌放上去赌。This technique is often a good dealer licensing company Village brought with flowers, also some directly to advance to touch the mark card is placed.

作弊者在洗牌时有意将同一色的好牌洗到自己面前,接着再按特殊顺序码牌,这个手法在坐庄时玩弄危害极大。Cheating by shuffling intends to the same color card wash themselves before, then according to special order code card, this technique in power play great harm.

应用微分对策理论,在若干假设前提下,通过建立一个定量模型,对机构坐庄策略进行定量分析。Using differential game theory and under the some hypothesis, this paper set up a quantitative model to analysis the strategy of the institutional investor as a banker.