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在斯密特眼里,这个造型很出彩。To Schmidt's eye, the shape stood out.

下面是他们中的一些出彩的智慧谏言。Here are a few of their words of wisdom.

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陈超得到了初次出镜时机,扮演出彩。Got a mirror first Chen time, play to impress.

屡试屡败,但即使失败,败得更出彩!No matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail better.

你的博客不会大获成功,除非,你的博文相当出彩。Your blog won’t succeed unless your posts are well-written.

对于一块LED手表来说它看上去并无出彩之处,但是它可是条形码手表。For an LED watch that looks like no other, it has to be Barcode.

天文学家和小偷、爵士乐手一样,晚上工作能出彩。Astronomers like burglars and jazz musicians,operate best at night.

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他告诉阿森纳的球员们,“他们可以期待他更加出彩的表现,更多的进球,更不可思议的传球。”They should expect some more tricks, goals and unbelievable passes.

我认识一只鸭子,在你们马戏团肯定出彩。Well, I know this duck that could be just brilliant in your circus.

一次次尝试,一次次失败。屡试屡败,但即使失败,败得更出彩!Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail better.

作为阵容中并不出彩的一员,费雷拉也31岁了。And Ferreira, whilst a bit-part squad player really is yet another 31 year old.

其中最独特最出彩的设计就是对中国传统的菠萝格的运用。One of the most unique design is the application of traditional Chinese Merbau.

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而且不止是这场比赛,火箭这个赛季打到现在真是场场出彩。And not just this game, the Rockets this season really hit the spot is now out of color.

影片中的配角也相当出彩,理查·詹金斯和亨利·托玛斯的表演令人过目难忘。Supporting players don't disappoint Richard Jenkins and Henry Thomas are quite memorable.

把片中所有女演员的优秀表演审视一遍,可以看出莫妮卡的表演也许是最出彩的。In a great assortment of strong female performances, Mo’Nique’s is perhaps the most powerful.

在老师出彩的自我介绍后,请3、4个学生来向新老师介绍自己或同学。After the teacher's self-introduction, 3 or 4 students will be chosen to introduce themselves.

在11月份我们一定会看到全联盟第二的中锋的出彩表现。In November we'll all act surprised that Pau is still clearly the league's second-best center.

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我们要学习的是,如何使用不对称的元素让整体性对称布局更出彩。However, note how asymmetrical items are used to punctuate the general symmetry the layout has.

作为首部影片,热罗姆-萨郎无疑是成功的,影片不仅故事性强,而且演员的表演也相当出彩。For a first movie, Jerome Salle made a good movie with a great story and an unbelievable casting.

低端丰满,中频又温又纯,更经常在极高频段更出彩。They have more bottom end, a warmer, mellower mid and upper mid-range, and often more top octave.