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北美的一种鬼针草属植物,花大。North American bur marigold with large flowers.

窗前的鬼针草属植物长到1.5米高,远超过我对它以前的认识。One sticktight facing my dorm window can grow to 1.5m high!

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三叶鬼针草是一种危害严重的菊科入侵植物。Bidens pilosa is one of the noxious invasive weed in Asteraceae.

结论鬼针草乙酸乙酯提取物有显著的降糖活性。Conclusion Bidens ethyl acetate extract has a significant hypoglycemic activity.

结论白花鬼针草的挥发油成分也是活性成分或具有协同作用的成分。Conclusion The volatile oil of Bidens pilosa L are also active or synergistic action components.

目的对安徽民间习用药材鬼针草进行生药学鉴定,为其制定质量标准提供参考依据。Objective To identify Bidens bipinnata L. , for providing the scientific evidence of quality standard.

目的研究鬼针草乙酸乙酯提取物的降糖活性。Objective To investigate the hypoglycemic activity of the ethyl acetate extract from Bidens bipinnata L.

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结果鬼针草乙酸乙酯提取物能显著降低糖尿病大鼠的血糖值。Results Bidens ethyl acetate extract could significantly reduce the blood glucose levels in diabetic rats.

同时建议将黄花三叶鬼针草与白花三叶鬼针草划分为两个亚种。We suggested that the yellow flower Bidens pilosa and the white flower Bidens pilosa be divided into two subspecies.

对于配方中任何成分,金虎尾樱桃,肉桂和鬼针草,过敏的人不能服用本品。People allergic to any of the formula's active ingredients – acerola cherry, cinnamon, or Spanish needles – should not take this product.

目的对小花鬼针草染色体核型等进行研究,为研究该种鉴定、起源、演化、良种培育等提供必要的细胞学资料。OBJECTIVE To study the evolution, identification and fine seeds selection through Bidens parviflora chromosome number, karyotype and volume.

在镉-砷复合污染土壤上种植三叶鬼针草,从而实现去除土壤中过量镉-砷复合污染物的目的。Bidens pilosa is planted on cadmium-arsenic polluted soil, thus realizing the aim of removing excessive cadmium-arsenic combined pollutant in soil.

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方法注射链脲佐菌素建立大鼠糖尿病模型,观察鬼针草乙酸乙酯提取物对血糖值的影响。Methods Diabetic rat models were produced by injection of streptozotocin. The impact of Bidens ethyl acetate extract on blood glucose level was observed.

水分相对缺乏时,施用保水剂可增加鬼针草的地上部分鲜重和干物质积累量。When water was relatively lack, applying water-retaining agent could increase the fresh weight of the overground part and dry matter accumulation in B. bipinnata.

以伴生草本植物三叶鬼针草和能源木本植物茶条木为受试植物,初步研究了外来入侵植物银胶菊根、茎、花水浸提液对二者种子萌发的化感效应。The seeds of accompanied species Bidens pilosa and energy plant Delavaya toxocarpa were treated with the aqueous extracts of root, stem and flower of Parthenium hysterophorus.

本发明属于污染环境植物修复技术领域,具体涉及一种利用三叶鬼针草修复镉-砷复合污染土壤的方法。The invention belongs to the polluted environment plant repairing technical field and in particular relates to a method for repairing cadmium-arsenic polluted soil by utilizing bidens pilosa.