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那是拙笨的!That's stupid!

那名年青兵士拙笨地敬礼。The young soldier saluted awkwardly.

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他跟从前一样拙笨和粗鲁。He seemed as awkward and rough as ever.

谁都不喜欢你那拙笨的玩笑。Nobody likes those clumsy spoofs of yours.

他用拙笨的手指撕开信封。He tore open the envelope with clumsy fingers.

那是我听到的最拙笨的事!Thduring the's the stupidest thing I've ever heard!

每私人都有拙笨的时候,但是没有一私人永远拙笨。Every man is fool sometimes! but none of them near asltimes.

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我对阳光十分拙笨,是以需要无时无刻的高度防护。I am very sensitive to the sun and need to have high protection at all times.

齐全的无知和拙笨胜过贫乏的智慧和技巧。Ignorance and bungling with love are better than wisdom and skill without love.

拙笨的学生在画室里快捷研究了事故。The stupid student rapidly studied the car air conditioningcident in the studio.

即使你和我还有整个拙笨的世界行将土崩瓦解,我爱你。In spite of you a wonderfuld me a wonderfuld the whole silly world going to pieces around us! I love you.

借使你身处一个有13亿人口的国家,那么看到一个管用的想法而不去仿照就太拙笨了。If you live in a country with a population of 1.3bn and you see an idea that works, it would be foolish not to copy.

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谁还会在黎明梦醒,雨落的黄昏,不差分毫的回应你的想念,容忍你的任性,笑对你的拙笨。Who will be in the dawn, the rain falls the dream at dusk, often respond to your miss, tolerate you to your smile, willful stupidly.

他认为,电邮对热衷于即时、非正式交流比如在线聊天和短信发送的年轻人来说太缓慢太拙笨。E-mail is just too slow and clunky for young people who gravitate to real-time, informal communications such as online chat and text messaging, he said.