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你已经退席了?Are you quitting already?

他们退席以示抗议。They walked out in protest.

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饭后女士们退席了。After dinner the ladies withdrew.

好了,我的问题问完了,先生退席吧。Ok, my questions are over, stand down, sir.

部长们退席去作决定。The ministers retired to make their decision.

戏未演完,叔父坐立不安,仓皇退席。Play not finish, uncle fidgeting, cut exclusionary.

主任对他们说别在主席讲话时退席。The director told them not to walk out on the chairman.

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抱歉,我们要中途退席一会儿来单独探讨一下。Excuse us for a moment. We'd like to discuss it among ourselves.

他们威胁说,如果该党不改变方针,他们就将集体退席。They threatened to walk out if the party did not change direction.

证人在证明拘留犯无罪后退席。The witness stood down after testifying to the prisoner's innocence.

过度撞伤的女士,安杰罗认为,艾米退席。Angelo says. Bruised by overexposure , Ms. Angelo believes, Amy withdrew.

在白宫舞会上,他提早退席,在私人影院与女艺术家偷情。Party in the White House, he withdrew early in the private theater affair with female artists.

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他一向主张女人要随着第一道菜入席,然后,喝完第一杯酒就退席。It was a maxim with him, that women should come in with the first dish, and go out after the first glass.

他摒弃诗歌,视之为“精致的废话”,他有一次去听歌剧,在第三幕的时候就退席了。He dismissed poetry as “a kind of ingenious nonsense, ” and the one time he attended an opera he fled at the third act.

如取录者最终决定退席研讨会,取录者必须书面通知秘书处。秘书处将依比率扣除行政费而退还剩馀之注册费。All cancellation should be informed to the Conference Secretariat in writing. Fees will be refunded according to the following schedule.