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片冈师团长亲自用刀开路。Kataoka himself cut the jungle by sword and made a route.

安德森1977年至1978年曾在美陆军第二师团司令部服役。Anderson from 1977 to 1978 the second division in the U. S.

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老天,他们难道不知道我们击败了赫尔曼·戈林师团?My god, don't they know we took on the Hermann Geling division?

对于你的师团来说,有一名牧师与你的部队一同冲杀敌阵,着实是一种恩惠。A priest accompanying your regiment into the fray is indeed a boon.

雨幕中,一队全副武装的士兵向十八师团司令部潜行。Rain, a group of heavily armed soldiers to 18 divisions command stealth.

最先进攻南京的日军第六师团步兵攀上中华门附近城墙。Japanese Army 6th Division Infantry troops climb up the walls near South Gate.

最先进攻南京的日军第六师团步兵攀上中华门附近城墙。Japanese Army6 th Division Infantry troops climb up the walls near South Gate.

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借着“暴徒”的招牌,使几十师团,几百联队地招募起来。By "thugs" signs, so that dozens of divisions, hundreds of United to recruit them.

日军第十六师团步兵攀上中山门。Japanese Army 16th Division Infantry troops climb up the walls near Zhongshan Gate.

敌人方面,陷在中国泥潭中的几十个师团抽不出去。As regards Japan, scores of her divisions will be inextricably bogged down in China.

第一师团的士兵都筋疲力尽,难以迈开步伐。Soldiers of the 1st Division were so exhausted that they were hard even to walk. Gen.

大场所属的日本陆军43师团受命死守这个小岛。Large field belongs to the Japanese Army 43 Division was ordered to hang on the island.

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希特勒的这一赌注,消耗了他最后的飞机储备及一些最优秀的师团。Hitler's gamble had cost him his last reserves of aircraft and some of his best divisions.

11月14日,日军第十六师团向常熟附近的梅李镇进犯。On November 14, the Japanese Army 16th Division approaching Meilizhen, a town near Changshu.

它消耗了日军大量的有生力量,其中万家岭战役全歼日军一个整编师团。A lot of Japanese living forces were killed, of which In thd Wanjialing Battle, a whole reorganized.

许多师团在登陆后连续作战,而没有任何轮换的机会。Many of the divisions have been continuously in action since the landing without any spell of relief.

二战期间,莫斯科再一次受到威胁。这一回,是遭到七十五个纳粹师团的围攻。The city was threatened again during World War II. This time it was 75 Nazi divisions who laid siege.

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几乎所有的德国军火生产都用来补给党卫队师团。Almost the total production of Germany's shattered armaments industry was to be diverted to the SS divisions.

日军第十六师团第二十联队士兵在废墟上狂欢。Soldiers of Japanese infantry 20th Regiment , 16th Division celebrate, their victory atop the destoryed city wall.

前线的德军师团缺乏军火弹药,备用零件,轮换的部队和装备。Ammunition , spare parts, replacement troops and equipment all became scarce commodities in frontline German divisions.