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遗言执行人把这段大声朗诵了进去。The executor relisting it out loud.

你怎么会知道索尼耶赫的遗言?How couId you know Saunière's Iast words?

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他最后的遗言依然在我的耳边不绝如缕。His last words is still ringing in my ears.

父亲的遗言萦绕在他脑际。His father's last words clung to his memory.

他说出了临终遗言后闭了上眼睛。He uttered his last words and closed his eyes.

将死的老人呻吟着说出临终遗言。The dying old man groaned out his last words.

那些没有说够的傻瓜才会有遗言!Last words are for fools who haven’t said enough!

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何克生前留下遗言“把我的一切献给培黎中学”。His last words were "Give my all to Bailie School."

当你卧躺在你的床上,遗言己经被读。When your lying in your bed, your eulogies been read.

我想与你们和你们的家人一同分享这难忘的临终遗言。I want to share that letter with you and your families.

这些话是卓娅被杀之前最后的遗言。These are the last words Zoya said before being killed.

继续,出去!那些没有说够的傻瓜才会有遗言!Go on, get out! Last words are for fools who haven't said enough!

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雷蕾寻觅母亲时收到华碧传来的片段,惊觉是一段遗言。LeiLei for mother received HuaBi fragments, from the killer is a word.

他生前最后一句话是“那些还没说够的蠢人才需要留遗言。”His last words were "last words are for fools who haven't said enough."

纸条齐整置于桌上,免除警方搜寻之苦,遗言明了解惑。The note, carefully placed on the table for the police to find, answers all.

所以这位丈夫尊重他太太的遗言,没有动再婚的念头。So the husband respected the wife and didn\'t think of remarrying another person.

在冷寒的山坡上,他不乐意将遗言写在十先令的账单上。On the chilly hillside, he is unwilling to write his will onthe ten-shilling bill.

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所以这位丈夫尊重他太太的遗言,么有动再婚的念头。So the husband respected the wife and didn't consider of remarrying anotIT person.

之前,一只兔子也曾进去听这兽中之王的临终遗言。Before she came out, a rabbit entered to hear the last wishes of the king of beasts.

在严寒的山坡上,他不乐意将遗言写在十先令的账单上。On the arctic hillside, he is afraid to commande his will on the ten-abettoring bill.