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虽则我浑如帮忙你,可是我有很多事要做。Much as I would like to help, I have a lot to do.

虽则我是中国人,我将在不列颠找出我的故事。Though I'm a Chinese, I'll locate my story in Britain.

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虽则我有很多工作要做,我觉得不舒服。Although I had a lot of thellongs to do, I felt uncomfortable.

公共服务虽则不够完善但已在改进,基础设施也是如此。Public services are patchy but improving, as is infrastructure.

虽则我经常没有时候间告诉您,但我真的爱您,母亲。I don't take the time to tell you this often, but Ilove you, mom.

虽则他们低声谈话,还是可以很清楚地听见。Though they talked in alow voice, they could be heard distinctly.

虽则我时常没有时候间告诉您,但我真的爱您,母亲。I don't take the time to tell you thellos often, but Ilove you, mom.

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它虽则在桃园县,如果您感兴趣的话可以寄信息我。It's in Tao Yuan county though, if you're interested msg me personally.

床上虽则没有帐子,但堆着有二条洁净的青布被褥。She had no mosquito -net but there were two clean cotton quilts on bed.

虽则结婚使夫妻合为一体,但仍旧还不过是蠢人两个。Though marriage makes man and wife one flesh, it leaves them still two fools.

这样卑鄙的人,虽则有钱,也应允许他进入社交界。Such a mean fellow, though never so rich, should not be admitted into society.

虽则轻松自在地公开地讲话对他的不可靠,他在欧洲保持独来独往的人。Though at ease speaking publicly about his insecurities, he remained a loner in Europe.

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在这一点上,他不承认有什么可痛悔的,虽则他显然心怀一些悔意。He will not, at this point, concede any serious regrets, although he clearly harbours some.

虽则汽锅壳与蒸汽管是严紧关闭的,然而还是有一部门热损耗。However carefully boiler casings and steam pipes are sealed, some heat escapes and is lost.

虽则如此,英国的经济并没有因此进入萧条,而是享受了繁荣昌盛的后80年代。Yet the British economy, far from relapsing into slump, enjoyed a prolonged boom for the rest of the 1980s.

虽则在当今神州,低技能的工人仍然短缺,但大学生却供过于求。Though there is a labor shortage among low-skill workers in China today, there is a glut of the college educated.

虽则天气不稳定亦间中下了大雨,但亦无阻一班集体鼓乐的爱好者前来参加。A lot of drumming enthusiasts came to participate the Drum Circle whatever the bad weather and sudden heavy shower!

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心中的伤痛总是不知不觉渐渐愈合,虽则咱们也曾痛苦地发誓说永不忘记。There is an unconscious heeling process within the mind which mends up in spite of our desperate determination never to et.

我在整个生存期间从未做过一件聪明的事,虽则我写过许多一直都被认为是聪明的作品。I never did a single wise thing in the whole course of my existence, although I have written many which have been thought so.

总之,虽则重盐可用来当做药疗来疗治某些特定的疾病,但万万别在一般鱼只正常环境下施用过量的盐。Sometimes, large quantities of salt are used for a short period of time to cure specific diseases, but never used on a regular basis.