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鸟瞰维米,爪哇,印度尼西亚,1994。Vimy Aerial View, Java, Indonesia, 1994

这座电视塔鸟瞰着全城。The television tower domineers the city.

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屹立峰巅鸟瞰山,华夏娇容收眼前。Bird's eye view of stand Shan, China eyes closed.

那天,这些鸟瞰起来格外煞白。They looked unnaturally white, that day, those birds.

那儿您可以鸟瞰全城的景色。You may have a bird-eye view of the whole city there.

州长站在自己的办公室里鸟瞰城市。The Governor stands in his office, overlooking the city.

谷歌提供街景鸟瞰和住家的卫星图像。Google offers street views and satellite imagery of homes.

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雪鸟瞰附近一个阿库雷里冰岛山。An aerial view of snow on a mountain near Akureyri, Iceland.

鸟瞰大地,唤醒围绕着你的群星。Birdseye view, awake the stars 'cause they're all around you.

鸟瞰新格拉纳达十字路口周边的殖民地建筑Overhead view of Granada's colonial buildings and crossroads.

我们要不要到它的顶楼,鸟瞰一下风景呢?Shall we go to the top floor of a bird 's-eye view from there.

还有幸从一个屋顶酒吧鸟瞰紫禁城的全貌。We had a great view of the Forbidden City from a roof-top bar.

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深水钻油平台漏油的一个鸟瞰画面。An aerial view of the oil leaked from the Deepwater Horizon wellhead.

十月中到十一月初是旺季,有些人为了能鸟瞰美景,会搭热气球饱览该地风光!For a bird's eye view, some take in the sight from a hot air balloon!

鸟瞰伊卢利萨特冰川附近,格陵兰岛,于7月3日。Aerial view of Ilulissat glacier, near Ilulissat, Greenland on July 3.

如果想鸟瞰巴黎,你可登到埃菲尔塔顶上。Climb to the top of Eiffel Tower if you want a bird's eye-view of Paris.

你甚至可以尝试从“鸟瞰”的角度形成自己的地图。You might even try to draw your own map from a "birds-eye view" perspective.

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我想要一个高层的房间,这样我就可以鸟瞰城市的景象。I’d love room on the higher floor so I can have a birds eye view of the city.

经典景点——黄浦江,让你有机会鸟瞰整个上海市。The Huangpu River is a classic spot to get a birds-eye view of the whole city.

鸟瞰岛屿在自然界的模式。由珊瑚礁环绕盘旋,宝来-宝来是沉没的残迹一个灭绝的火山。Wreathed by coral reefs, Bora-Bora is the sunken remnant of an extinct volcano.