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他不再对乌尔地区踌躇不前。He doesn’t hesitate to enter the ur anymore.

户籍改革的艰巨和复杂性让政府踌躇不前。The complexity of hukou reform daunts Chinese leaders.

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我踌躇不前,不由感到一阵迷惑和惆怅。I hesitated to move ahead, feeling perplexed and melancholy.

鉴于国际需求仍然踌躇不前,这一结果对于一个出口依赖型经济体来说并不稀奇。This is no surprise for an export-led economy dependent on faltering global demand.

两手空空不会让任何人踌躇不前。让人巡倘佯的只能是思想空洞和心灵虚空。Empty pockets never held anyone back, only empty heads and empty hearts can do that.

两手空空不会让任何人踌躇不前。让人逡巡徘徊的只能是思想空洞和心灵空虚。Empty pockets never held anyone back. Only empty heads and empty hearts can do that.

他强健的脚步要踌躇不前,他的计谋必使自己颠仆。The step of his strength shall be straitened, and his own counsel shall cast him down headlong.

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而就像美国一样,消费者在花钱上踌躇不前的态度可能将延缓经济的复苏。And just like in the U. S. , consumers' new hesitance to spend might delay the economy's recovery.

下周,在经历了12个月的踌躇不前之后,国际气候变化会谈将在坎昆召开。Next week, international climate-change negotiations begin in Cancún following 12 months of setbacks.

当一切挑战都摆在我们面前时,我们会为潜在的负面影响踌躇不前。We dwell on the potential negative outcomes of all the challenges before us—even after action is taken.

对于这类事情他经常踌躇不前,这是尽人皆知的。那时候他的犹豫不决使他痛失冠军。He is known for his hesitancy in such matters and his hesitation at that time cost him the championship.

在理论外也遇到了宪法修改困难、法院踌躇不前、学者转移研究方向等困难。And what's more, the theory meets the difficulty of modification, and the condition that the court hesitated.

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我在小径上踌躇不前,直到你的樱花落英缤纷,,我的爱呀,杜鹃花却为我送来你的宽恕。I lingered on my way till thy cherry tree lost its blossom, the azalea brings to me, my love, thy forgiveness.

他身后那群人先是踌躇不前,疑惑地面面相觑,然后又尴尬地跟在他后面。The group of men behind him hesitated, glanced questioningly at one another, and awkwardly followed his example.

艾丽丝和爱德华从后门走进来。艾丽丝快速走到我身边,但爱德华踌躇不前,他的表情复杂难懂。Alice and Edward came in the back doors. Alice hurried to my side, but Edward hung back, his face indecipherable.

顺便提一下,有时你会踌躇不前,有时你会泄气,那么你应该对自己说,此乃人之常情也。And if, by the way, sometimes you stumble or feel a little discouraged, you say that this reaction is very human.

我在小径上踌躇不前,直到你的樱花落英缤纷,但是,我的爱呀,杜鹃花却为我送来你的宽恕。I lingered on my way till thy cherry tree lost its blossom, but the azalea brings to me, my love, thy forgiveness.

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支持者表示祖国貌似经常踌躇不前,但当站在危难之间时,它就会雄起。Supporters say that the country always seems to shuffle its feet but then snaps into action when faced with a crisis.

那么这种胆寒会使我们踌躇不前、步履迟缓,知道我们确信平安才会更进一步。Then our sense of timidity can cause us to hesitate, to move slowly, and not to take a step until we know the ground is safe.

然而比利时的科学家们并未因此踌躇不前,他们正试图对水虎鱼发出的独特声音做进一步的研究。However that did not stop scientists in Belgium from working with them to learn more about the sounds these unusual fish make.