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一是“总量”和“人均”。"Aggregates" and "per capita".

中国肉类的人均年消费量从仅4千克达到了54千克。In China it has risen from 4kg to 54.

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伤害者人均发生伤害1.71次。Injury occurred 1.71time average per person.

每一个人均面临食源性疾病的风险。Every person is at risk of foodborne illness.

高盛及法布里斯·图尔本人均否认有任何不法行为。Goldman and Tourre have denied any wrongdoing.

阿拉斯加是人均最富有的州之一。Alaska is one of the richest states per capita.

迪斯尼还想增加人均消费水平。Disney also wants to raise per-capita spending.

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波音公司和欧洲航空防务航天公司的发言人均拒绝置评。Spokesmen for Boeing and EADS declined to comment.

其人均GDP是美国的十四分之一。Its GDP per head is one-fourteenth that of America.

按预计人口数计算,人均GDP可达20300元。The per capita GDP is expected to reach RMB 20,300.

它的人均国内生产总值为欧洲最低的之一。Its per capita GDP remains one of the lowest in Europe.

咱们算什么,公共汽车么?每一个人均可以想坐就座?What're we, the A-Train? Everyone gets to ride with us?

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人均寿命由35.5岁提高到67岁。In addition, average life has increased from 35.5 to 67.

西餐夜宴的人均消费为每位888元人民币。Banquet food for each per capita consumption of 888 yuan.

中国发展道路上面临诸多困难和挑战,人均发展水平还很低,贫困人口还很多。Our level of development is very low in per capita terms.

这张台的最低人均消费是200元。The minimum charge for this table is 200 Yuan per person.

因为恰从那年起,人均预期寿命开始回升。As it happens, in that year life expectancy started rising.

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人均住房面积标准可以杜绝‘假离婚避税法’。It could eliminate the tax elusion by way of false divorce.

这意味着人均能占有的土地和水更少了。It will mean less land and water available for each person.

而1890年之后,人均嚼烟消费量开始下降。Per capita consumption of chewing tobacco declined after 1890.