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新一代的统计学家让这一问题迎刃而解。The new breed of statisticians tackle that problem.

欧帕机器人伴侣的诞生,使一切沉重的问题都迎刃而解。With Ompa, all the heavy problems can be easily solved!

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要是我们的意志力更强大,这个问题便迎刃而解了。If only we had more willpower, the problem would go away.

伴随着长期空间站任务的许多难题迎刃而解。The problems involved in long-term station operation were solved.

首先做难做的工作。容易的工作也就迎刃而解。Do the hard jobs first. The easy jobs will take care of themselves.

通常而言,只要睡一个饱觉,这些问题都会迎刃而解。Most of the time, a solid night's sleep will solve all these problems.

如果我们把心态平衡于等当点,一切就会迎刃而解!Things will work out if we try to keep our attitude at the equilibrium point!

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把这种技术与直接加密技术结合使用,所有的问题就迎刃而解了。Combine that with straight out encryption and all of your problems are solved.

一旦我抓住那两个人,缴获导弹发射器,一切问题都会迎刃而解。Once I have the missile launcher and the men in custody, we can sort this out.

我只是希望他们没事,我们全部都希望这样,希望事情可以迎刃而解。I just hope they're OK. We all hope they are and that it can be resolved easily.

抓住了主要矛盾,一切问题就可以迎刃而解。Once catch hold of the main contradiction, all questions will be readily resolved.

肖博士相信,只要有正规监管,这些问题就能迎刃而解。Dr Shaw is convinced that, with proper regulation, these problems could be tackled.

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在大学的两年时间里,随着她的抑郁缓解,皮肤问题也迎刃而解。During the two years in college when her depression waned, so did her skin problems.

帕特里克简直不敢相信他有多么的幸运,他所遇到的难题都能迎刃而解了。Patrick couldn't believe how lucky he was! Here was the answer to all of his problems.

如果干劲十足的优秀人士以一种共识而行动起来,大多数问题将迎刃而解。When good people with energy act on a shared vision, most of the problems get worked out.

我真希望有人能挥挥魔杖,使我们的问题迎刃而解,因为我们感情关系中的其他方面还是极好的。I would love someone to wave a magic wand because the rest of the relationship is fabulous.

如若假设我们全都疯狂,彼此之间便有了解释,许多谜团也将迎刃而解。Consider that we are all insane, it will explain us to each other, and unriddle many riddle.

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我本以为我拿到学位后一切都能迎刃而解,但事实并非如此。I thought that once I got a degree, everything would be self-explanatory, but it really isn't.

换句话说,了解道的同时,对死生等问题也就迎刃而解了。In other words, when you understand Tao, you immediately solve the problem on birth and death.

其实生活中的很多争执,只要彼此理解对方的观点就能迎刃而解。In life, a lot of arguments can be solved simply by understanding the point of view of another.