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一个小凤尾鱼酱增加。A little anchovy sauce is added.

紧紧地团在一起,没有一条凤尾鱼落单。Packed close together, no one anchovy stands out.

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根据欧盟的规定,凤尾鱼渔场将依然关闭。The anchovy fisheries will stay closed, by EU order.

而且我定了匹萨,没有凤尾鱼,只是你喜欢的那样。Life as we know it has just come to an abrupt and cruel end.

想象一下,你有一种最爱吃的食物,比如说,凤尾鱼。Imagine you had a favorite food – like, say, well, anchovies.

凤尾鱼是你既不爱又不恨的东西之一。Bnchovies are one of those things that you either love or hate.

凤尾鱼生活在咸水里,淡水里很少见。The anchovy lives in salt water and is rarely found in fresh water.

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包含凤尾鱼,鲑鱼,鲭鱼,沙丁鱼和大豆成分。Contains anchovy, salmon, mackerel, sardines and soybean ingredients.

大部分鱼粉由粉碎的凤尾鱼、鲱鱼或沙丁鱼制成。Most of this meal is made of ground-up anchovies, menhaden or sardines.

大部分鱼粉由粉碎的凤尾鱼、鲱鱼或沙丁鱼制成。Most of this meal is made of ground-up anchovies , menhaden or sardines.

凯撒沙律配蒜香面包干,培根,鹌鹑蛋伴白凤尾鱼。Caesar Salad with Garlic Croutons, Bacon, Quail Eggs and White Anchovies.

辣酱油,很受欢迎的英国调味品,是由溶解的凤尾鱼制成的。Worcestershire sauce, the popular English sauce, is made from dissolved anchovies.

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海鲜,特别是深海鱼油,冷水鱼类如三文鱼、鲱鱼、沙丁鱼和凤尾鱼。Seafood, especially oily, cold-water fish such as salmon, herring, sardines, and anchovies

该毒素能够非常迅速地杀死鱼类,如鲱鱼和凤尾鱼,饲料对藻类。The toxins can very quickly kill fish, such as herring and anchovies , that feed on algae.

在伦敦,外来的农产品,例如无花果、石榴和凤尾鱼都断货了。Across London, supplies of exotic produce from figs and pomegranates to anchovies are running out.

像沙丁鱼和凤尾鱼在吃了那些吞食过这种微生藻类的浮游生物后会导致中毒。Fish such as sardines and anchovy can get poisoned when they eat plankton that have eaten the algae.

沙丁鱼和凤尾鱼等鱼类可能是在进食浮游生物的时候,也吃到了这些藻类,导致中毒。Fish such as sardines and anchovy can get poisoned when they eat plankton that have eaten the algae.

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例如像凤尾鱼就量产于墨西哥,中美洲及加利福尼亚的外海水域。Anchovies, for instance, are harvested well out to sea off the coast of Mexico, Central America and California.

浓缩天然鱼油软胶囊中主要使用的是从派生沙丁鱼,凤尾鱼,鲭鱼。The Natural Fish Oil Concentrate used in this softgel is primarily derived from sardines, anchovies and mackerel.

在Campos的西班牙餐前小吃里面有两种叫做茄子腐殖质和绿叶包裹烤面包上的醋泡凤尾鱼。Two examples of Campos's Spanish tapas are humus of aubergine, and anchovy in vinegar over green "tapenade" toast.