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他们有些人钻了经济政策的空子。Some of them beat the economic policy.

有时,人们能够钻税收法律的空子。You can sometimes get round the tax laws.

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用结婚证书移民不过是钻了个空子,但它至少合法。The paper marriages provide a twisted legal channel for immigration.

主要研究X的非空子集的轨迹的拓扑极限。We mainly discuss topological limit of trajectories of non-empty subsets of X.

原来濑古井是钻法律的空子,使得他的违法行为合理化。Originally seen seto drill laws, is the illegal behavior makes him rationalized.

约翰非常忙,人们要找他谈话只能在他百忙中瞅个空子。John is very busy, and people who want to talk to him have to catch him on the fly.

的关税使进口额一度下降.但出口商很快找到空子可钻。A 377 percent tariff caused imports to dip for a while until shippers found a loophole.

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我学了很多把握助攻时机的东西,你得小心不要被人钻了空子。我小时候经常打前场位置,然后是中场和右边锋。I used to play up front when I was a kid, then I went to central midfield and right wing.

即使这意味着钻了法律系统的空子,但是他们还是想要继续演戏继续抽烟。Even if it means exploiting a loophole in the system, they want to be able to act and smoke.

定理证明中通常的想法是通过推出空子句的方法来判定子句集的可满足性。The traditional idea used in TP is to try to deduce the empty clause to check satisfiability.

他说,世界各地都有人"为了个人利益千方百计地要钻制度上的空子。"People all over the world “will seek to exploit gaps in a system for their own gain,” he said.

但今天在公海上却没有什么罩得住的权威法律,这让海上强盗们钻了空子。The modern freebooter often benefits from the absence of any controlling legal authority on the high seas.

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如果人们明明知道怎么钻这些酒店价格体系的空子,还继续使用你们的品牌网站,那他们就是自讨苦吃。It is evident the public is getting punished for using your branded websites when they know how to beat the system.

你可根据自己的经济状况,利用有很多政策空子为您赢得一些可观的利益。There are plenty of loopholes that can provide you with some significant advantages, depending on your financial situation.

人们很早就开始议论如何利用条例的空子以非正当途径解决他们的需求。Its people have long talked euphemistically of “resolving” their needs by finding unofficial ways round shortages and rules.

欧洲法律是禁止出口这类有害废弃物的,但是却钻了一个空子,他们在这些垃圾上贴上了“慈善捐赠”的标签。European laws prohibit the export of this dangerous waste, but labeling the trash as a "charitable donation" offers a loophole.

最近有许多的放贷者野蛮的钻法律空子将无法还贷的人们从他们的房子中赶出。Recent revelations suggest that many lenders rode roughshod over legal niceties to push delinquent borrowers out of their homes.

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明尼苏达州去年严禁在酒吧和其他一些夜总会抽烟,而现在某些人似乎找到了钻这个禁令的空子。Bars and other hot night attractions in Minnesota have found a loophole to get around the smoking ban that was rolled out last year.

Firesheep钻了这个空子,让爱管闲事的恶意用户基本上可以用你的身份上网并且完全获取你的账号。Firesheep grabs that cookie, allowing nosy or malicious users to, in essence, be you on the site and have full access to your account.

新法适用于这类企业,若威胁经济或国家安全则另作考虑——这个空子怕是要赶上中国的大小了。The law applies to them, but with an exemption when economic or national security is threatened-a loophole almost as big as China itself.