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现在,数字成像技术开始能够发现如何辨认伪作了。Now digital imaging is starting to figure out how to spot art forgeries , too.

其写作日期已无可考,可能是柏拉图对话录的伪作。The date of its writing is uncertain, and it may be a spurious Platonic dialogue.

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这篇种族主义的文章仅是鲁尼伪作中的一件,众多冒充的名言引语、评论文字仍在网络上大行其道。The racist essay was one of the many false Rooney quotes and essays bouncing around the Internet.

那么这些观点是出自基督教的教诲,或者不过是美国流行文化的伪作而已?Do these sentiments flow from Christian teachings or are they merely artifacts of America's popular culture?

关于韦斯普奇航海的故事现被认为是伪作很快传遍了欧洲。Early accounts of Vespucci's voyages, now believed to have been forgeries, had quickly spread throughout Europe.

由于器材和其他技术发展的飞速跃进,赝品伪作一时横行的机会更多。Thanks to the rapid advance of equipment and other technology, the opportunity for fakes to run wild is immense.

然而通过对图像细节进一步地反复分析,沃克的伪作就露了馅。But when the image analysis was repeated at a greater level of detail, the Wacker forgery was shown to be different.

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带有一定豪放风格的一套“早期”作品又存在伪作的争议,因此本文认为梅清“晚期”不存在回归“早期”豪放画风的现象。And there are still some disputes about whether the set of paintings of his early period which show the bold characteristics are pseudographs.

最终,软件准确地分辨出梵高6幅画中的4幅伪作,虽然它也将梵高的两幅作品归到他人名下。Ultimately the software correctly identified four of the six paintings known not to be by Van Gogh, though it also classified two of his works as having been painted by someone else.

但是前两天,这封信件变得更为著名——因为它成为了一篇惊天伪作,或者更准确地讲,一封被修改以使得其超出本来意义的真实文档。But in the last two days the document has become even more famous — as an egregious fake, or more accurately, an authentic document allegedly "doctored" to make it seem more than it really was.