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全球定位系统的信号怎样编码,以作准确的三角测量?How are GPS signals encoded to allow precise triangulation?

差分技术在全球定位系统数据分析中的运用。Use of differencing techniques in the analysis of GPS data.

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有一个全球定位系统功能的手机?Have a GPS enabled phone?ShoZu can geo-tag your photos and videos.

全球定位系统是很普遍的,"此公司的分析员比尔·莫雷利说。“GPS is very pervasive,” said Bill Morelli, an analyst with the firm.

全球定位系统是很普遍的,"此公司的分析员比尔·莫雷利说。“GPS is very pervasive, ” said Bill Morelli, an analyst with the firm.

利用全球定位系统,只要你带着电话,他们就知道你在哪里。With GPS, they also now know where you are whenever you have your phone.

在帆船和划艇比赛项目的船上,也都安装全球定位系统。GPS will also be installed in boats both of the sailing and rowing variety.

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它具有数字通信,全球定位系统接收器和车辆间的数字链接功能。It has digital communication, GPS receivers and intervehicle digital links.

男朋友开着昂贵的车,配备有全球定位系统,立体声和可开式车顶。Boyfriends drive expensive cars, with GPS systems, stereo sounds and sunroofs.

安装一个全球定位系统基地跟踪系统在我的卡车真留我钱吗?。Will installing a GPS based tracking system in my trucks really save me money?

包括说明,行车路线,全球定位系统航点,和特殊的细节。Including information, driving directions, GPS waypoints, and specific details.

俄罗斯的格洛纳斯系统是世界上第二套全球定位系统。The deal to the Russian system is the world's second global positioning system.

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一种相类似的技术允许出租汽车公司用全球定位系统跟踪他们的汽车。One similar technology allows rental-car companies to track their cars with GPS.

首先,目前正在部署的格洛纳斯系统的精确性超过了美国的GPS全球定位系统。First, there is a deal to deploy the system exceeds the accuracy of the GPS system.

出租车司机洪材道向他装在汽车仪表板上的GPS全球定位系统里输入一个地址。Taxi driver Hong Jae-do punches an address into his dashboard-mounted GPS navigator.

地图上你的自行车和山地骑车路线。拓扑图,海拔概况,全球定位系统的支持。Map your Cycling and Mountain Biking Routes. Topo Maps, Elevation Profiles, GPS Support.

装有全球定位系统的照相机可对阿富汗偏远地区的灌溉基础设施建设进度进行跟踪。GPS cameras track progress on irrigation infrastructure in hard-to-reach areas of Afghanistan.

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移动电话,便携电话,呼叫器,无线电话。高频通讯类产品。全球定位系统等。Mobile phone, portable phones, cordless phones, pagers, & High Freq. Commumication Products GPS.

由于没有全球定位系统,我们迷路了,等到达聚会地点时,卡桑德拉的朋友都已经走了。We got lost without the GPS, and by the time we got there, Cassandra’s friends had already left.

全球定位系统确定用户位置,点击地图上的城市选择,或进入经纬度。User location set by GPS, clicking on map, city selection, or by entering Latitude and Longitude.