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为什么要用互斥对象?Why mutex at all?

数据对象的大小。Size of data objects.

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像对象一样运行。Behave like an object.

妄想狂的保护对象。The perils of paranoia.

每个对象都有弌个类型。Every object has a type.

一切都是对象。Everything is an object.

让韦翰做你的对象吧。Let Wickham be your man.

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我们的建模对象是什么?So what are we modeling?

互斥对象是这样工作的。This is how mutexes work.

啊呀!你的幻想对象没了!Ouch! Your fantasy's gone.

近景的对象可以是任何东西。Close shot can be anything.

她真是一个好的倾述对象。She's such a good listener.

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她是培养成为教师的对象。She was meant for a teacher.

因此,它们是数据对象。Hence, they are Data Objects.

业务对象的选择。Selection of business objects.

用理想气体作为研究对象。There's pressure on this axis.

为对象分配空间。Allocates space for the object.

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他是讽刺作家嘲讽的对象。He was easy game for satirists.

他还是那么好的一个接吻对象。He was such a good kisser, too.

这些对象被清除和加入队列。These are cleared and enqueued.