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在这秋雨的悠闲。In the autumn of leisure.

鲁迅以一种悠闲的笔调进行写作。Lu Xun writes with a leisurely pace.

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表面上这是一种悠闲的的生活。On the surface it was an idyllic life.

当然,政客们看起来很悠闲。Certainly, the politicians seem unworried.

生活以一种悠闲的步调来享受感觉更好。Life is better enjoyed at a leisurely pace.

空气闻起来很清新,生活感觉很悠闲。The air smelled clear, life felt unhurried.

那对夫妇沿着步行大道悠闲漫步。The couple ambled slowly along the promenade.

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一去一来,交接处,是雪儿的悠闲。One to one, the junction is the leisurely Cher.

悠闲好比接吻,一定要偷来的才香。Idleness, like kisses, to be sweet must be stolen.

两个女孩,在彼得尔大街上悠闲的遛狗。There are two, walking a basset down Beadel Street.

韦勒先生上个月退休了,现在过着悠闲的生活。Weller retired last month and now lives at his ease.

世间的万物都在悠闲中过日子,只有人类为生活而工作着。All nature loafs, while man alone works for a living.

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留出一条金光闪闪的小路,看我走得多么悠闲。And leaves a shiny golden path, for me to walk along.

休斯顿有点悠闲,城市节奏较慢。Houston is a little more laid-back, the pace is slower

赤坎镇位于一条小河边,是一个悠闲的小镇。Chikan is a relaxed town on the banks of a small river.

你可以,像其他人一样,住在那里,过着悠闲的生活。where you could just, where people just live and relax.

他是个悠闲的中西部人,住在芝加哥城外。He's a laid back Midwesterner who lives outside Chicago.

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学生看上去更喜欢悠闲和轻松的课堂。Students do appear to prefer leisure and easier classes.

你到底在想什么,还悠闲的跑到这里?What the hell are you thinking about, waltzing into here?

猛地一看,这是一只鸭子,悠闲躺卧在巢里。At a glance, it could easily be a duck, sitting in a nest.