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另外一个文化馆。Another culture house.

欢迎来文化馆。Welcome to the Culture Palace.

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集体农场的文化馆。Culture house of a model collective farm.

想知道荷兰文化馆给您带来了怎样的文化盛宴?请点击观看以下视频。What can you expect at the Dutch Culture Centre? Watch the video below.

文化馆的工作人员正在向群众发放宣传资料。The staff of the cultural centre is handing out brochures to the people.

我们期待您莅临上海的荷兰文化馆。Looking forward to welcoming you in the Dutch Culture Centre in Shanghai.

苗栗县政府也建了草莓文化馆及大湖酒庄。Miaoli County Government also builds Strawberry Culture Museum and Dahu Wine Village.

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上海荷兰文化馆将举办一系列展览,现场演出以及会议。The Dutch Culture Centre will host several exhibitions, live performances and conferences.

目前楠楠女士就职于P县文化馆,是个副科长。Nan is presumed office to the P county cultural building, a inferior course currently long.

我在荷兰文化馆展览的绘画中,你能看见一个中国女孩和花的组合。In the paintings I show at the DCC , you can see a Chinese girl in combination with flowers.

现任吉林省梅河口市文化馆美术创作室主任,高级美术师,市政协委员。The Jilin province Meihekou City Museum of art creative director, senior artist, member of the cppcc.

朝阳区文化馆英语角现已成为在北京市颇具影响的英语活动场所之一。The English Corner of Chaoyang Culture Museum has become an affective public place for people speaking English.

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到2012年底之前各级美术馆、图书馆和文化馆将全部向公众免费开放。By the end of 2012, all public-funded art museums, libraries and cultural centers will be open to citizens free of charge.

文化馆、图书馆、体育场馆等公共文化场所为残疾人提供越来越多的方便和服务。In cultural centers, libraries, gymnasiums and stadiums, more and more conveniences and services have been provided for disabled people.

2007年我以优异成绩毕业于安徽师范大学音乐学院,现工作在芜湖市文化馆。In 2007, I graduated with excellent grades from Anhui normal university , the college of music. Now , I am working in wuhu cultural center.

我的家住在东城区文化馆对面的小区里,属于回迁房,有四五年了。My family lives in the Dongcheng district cultural building opposite plot, belongs returns to original home or work the room, some 45 years.

历任新绛县文化馆馆长,文联副主席、文化局副局长等职。Former curator of the new cultural centers Jiangxian, the Joint Vice-Chairman of the rank of deputy director of Department of Cultural Affairs.

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对此,该知情人士表示“当时于右任纪念馆还没成立”,他听说这些文物有些在于右任故里三原县文化馆。In this regard, the source said, "was not set up memorial Yu Yu-jen, " he heard some of these relics Sanyuan County Museum in the hometown of Yu You-jen.

据阿德说,这些县的合作社因为经营市场、建文化馆出租等非农业服务而得以存活。According to Tien, cooperatives in these communes survive thanks to non-agricultural services like managing markets and building cultural houses for lease.

新华社报道,明年起我国的美术馆、图书馆和文化馆将免费向公众开放。Chinese citizens will no longer have to pay to enter the country's public art galleries, libraries and cultural centers beginning next year, Xinhua reports.