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把他放到地窖里去吧,爸爸。Put him in the cellar, papa.

蜘蛛使地窖布满了蛛网。Spiders cobwebbed the cellar.

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他们在地窖里储存了一些酒。They had some wines down cellar.

地窖被水淹了。The cellar was flooded with water.

你将成为地窖里的一只土鳖。You will be a wood-louse in a cellar.

只遗留下残垣断壁的地窖And left no trace but the cellar walls

霉菌把Oremus地窖中的酒瓶包裹起来。Mold coats bottles in the Oremus cellar.

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酒在地窖里存了十年。The wine has been cellared for ten years.

我若无其事地从地窖这头走到那头。I walked the cellar from end to end calmly.

这个密封的门不允许水进地窖。The cellar floods whenever it rains heavily.

地窖下布鲁内黎斯基的墓地。The tomb of Filippo Brunelleschi in the crypt.

他们在挖新谷仓的地窖。They're diggin' for — a cellar for a new barn.

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一天,我妻子跟着我到地窖去办点事。One day my wife accompanied me into the cellar.

他们在地窖里贮藏了蔬菜。They laid up a store of vegetables in the cellar.

福特·诺克斯家的地窖里藏了很多金条。Much bullion is stored in the vaults at Fort Knox.

那六个女孩被藏在地窖里好几个月。That six girl has been cellared for several months.

猫在地窖里四处逡巡抓耗子。The cat prowled around the cellar looking for mice.

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那只猫在地窖里徘徊着,伺机捕鼠。The cat prowled around the cellar looking for mice.

我们在地窖里到处撒下了耗子药。We scattered the rat poison around the cellar floor.

厚口的瓦罐会在芳香的地窖中流汗。Thick-lipped urns will sweat in the fragrant cellars.