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安德烈将杰克痛扁直至其不省人事。Andre beats Jack senseless.

我这样不省人事有多久了?How long had I been unconscious?

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酒过三巡,他醉得不省人事。After three drinks, he passed out.

酒过三巡,他醉得不省人事。After three drinks, the man passed out.

在事故发生后的两个小时里,爱丁娜一直不省人事。Edina was unconscious for two hours after the accident.

她战栗着呼出最后一口气——然后不省人事,一动不动。She exhales a last shuddering breath -- and goes STILL.

女歌手的眼睛变得呆滞无神,接着身体便往后倒下不省人事。The singer's eyes glazed over and she fell back unconscious.

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那个老人,已不省人事,从他头皮上的一个伤口里流出很多血。The old man, unconscious, bled profusely from a cut on his scalp.

随着威士忌酒力发作,他逐渐醉得不省人事。As the whisky took effect, he gradually fell into a drunken stupor.

在安纳金的一个肩膀上,不省人事的绝地大师轻微地喘着气。Over Anakin's shoulder, the unconscious Jedi Master wheezed faintly.

他在事故中受了重伤,到现在仍不省人事。He was badly injured in the accident and still dead to the world now.

一个母亲把儿子打至不省人事实在让人难以置信,其他关于准确性的不满。A mother flog her son until he's unconscious didn't seem too credible.

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被人救起后,她大病40余天,几乎不省人事。Saved by others, she got seriously ill, almost unconscious for 40 more days.

伯克于周二晚上在距离校园5英里处遭人枪杀,倒在路边不省人事。Burk was found shot on the side of the road about 5 miles from campus Tuesday.

罗奥首先把手放到不省人事的那个德莱尼身上,但却无法唤醒他。Rolc laid his hands on the unconscious one first, but was unable to awaken him.

处方容器片刻使尽责的外国顾客不省人事。The recipe recipient transiently made the conscientious alien client unconscious.

不过通常发生的是,那些家伙最后都把自己喝得不省人事。What often happens is they just end up drinking themselves into a sloppy oblivion.

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由于连日走得精疲力竭,他在印度的一条河边不省人事。Exhausted from days of walking, he passed into unconsciousness by a river in India.

还有人喝了这种植物叶子酿造的花草茶后不省人事。Another man was poisoned after he drank an herbal tea brewed from the leaves of this plant.

隐逸者消极地退缩到了自己的世界里,最终连他的自我也昏昏欲睡,不省人事。He becomes too withdrawn into himself in a negative way, ending in a lethargic apathetic self.