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大红的利是又多收了一次。Bright red and is again overcharged once.

大红斑是木星大气层中一个古老的风暴。An Ancient Storm in the Jovian Atmosphere.

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熏鱼,鸡肉,鹿肉,青岛大红肠。Smoked Fish, Chicken, Venison, Qingdao Sausage.

留大红莫西干头的球迷是对的,火箭在劫难逃。The big guy in the bright red mohawk was right.

大红灯笼点缀着一家小超市的过道。RED lanterns adorn the aisles of a small supermarket.

“那件大红裙不见了,”她以一种难以置信的语气说到。"That big red dress is gone, " she said in disbelief.

我想借你的大红冠用一天,好吗?I would like to take your red crown one day, will you?

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双头郁金香,有大红、白色、绿色、桔红、洋红。Double Tulips. Bright red, white, green, orange red, magenta.

在正门入口处,大红的中国灯笼高高悬挂着。Chinese lanterns hang from the ceilings of the main entrance hall.

但因为日本的国旗颜色是红色,所以这次的“大红叉”改为了黑色的。Because of the red in Japan's flag, a black cross was used instead.

把在地面上爬动的大红毛虫当做钓饵。Large red worms, which were crawling on the ground, furnished bait.

木星上的大红斑位于一个名叫南温带的区域。Jupiter's Great Red Spot is in an area named the South Temperate Belt.

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土星上有一个大褐斑,规模比木星大红斑小得多。Saturn has a big brown, size much smaller than Jupiter great red spot.

我习惯了下再大的雨,撑我撑了4年的大红伞。I amd accustomed to use my big red umbrella which is in use for 4 years.

单头郁金香苞,有大红、黄色、紫色、白色、绿色、红金色。Single head tulip bud. Bright red, yellow, purple, white, green, red gold.

烤箱预热至180度,把整个的大红椒放到烤箱里烤20分钟。Preheat the oven at 180c. Roast the red peppers in the oven for 20 minutes.

穿大红衬衫、鲜橙色裤子、亮绿鞋子?Wear a bright red shirt with bright orange pants and bright green shoes?Sure.

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东方朔回答说火神最爱大红灯笼。Dongfang Shuo replied that the Fire God loved red lanterns more than anything.

意大利玫瑰,有大红、绿色、白色、桃红、桔红、蓝色、粉红。Italian Rose. Bright red, green, white, peach blossom, Orange red, blue, pink.

同类色如橘红与大红、绿与青绿色等。Congener color if tangerine and bright red, green wait with viridescence color.