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黄志达饮誉设计界的同时,也引起外界的广泛关注。Furthermore, Ricky has also won the attention of Medias.

益以工艺精湛,风味独特著称,饮誉海内外。With exquisite workmanship, PE celebrated, unique flavor from home or abroad.

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万氏兄弟以执导30多部动画长短片而饮誉中国影坛。Wan brothers in the Department directed more than 30 short animated film in China is renowned.

信阳毛尖茶叶素以“味浓、汤绿”的独特风格而饮誉中外。Su-Xinyangmaojian tea with "rich, Tom Green, " the unique style of renowned Chinese and foreign.

五千年的辉煌历史,饮誉四海的华夏文明,足以让人叹为观止。Five thousand years of glorious history, renowned in the world of Chinese civilization, can be stunning.

中国文化源远流长,中国烹饪饮誉世界。Chinese culture is of long standing and well established and Chinese cuisine is famous all over the world.

他曾在法国接受印象派的洗礼,入院沙龙,饮誉巴黎。He ever received the baptism of Impressionist in France admission to Sharon and enjoying reputation in Paris.

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而内画壶作为精致小摆件,瑰丽珍奇,早在十九世纪末即饮誉世界,备受青睐。Besides, being a fine and valuable ornament, it won worldwide fame and was well received as early as the end of the 19th century.

以崇高的自然、简洁高雅的风格饮誉欧洲市场,公司拥有专业的设计队伍,采用上乘材料精工制作。To high natural, simple and elegant style is renowned in the European market, the company has a professional design team, using high precision production materials.

三毛这位饮誉文坛的作家,她的散文,以其对生活、对亲人、对祖国的绵绵深情,赢得了广大读者的喜爱。Echo, who is a well-known writer in the literary circles, wins the fondness of the reading public because of her deep love to life, to family members and to motherland.

距今已有1300多年的悠久历史,布艺既有油画的立体效果,又不失国画写意之感观,成为饮誉世界的艺术名品。Dating back more than 1300 years of history, both the painting three-dimensional fabric effects, freehand painting without losing the sense of concept, a well known art of the world famous.

哈特是二战后英国著名的法理学家,新分析实证主义法学创始人,以其精湛的法律思想饮誉西方法理学界。Being a famous jurist in England after the Second World War and the pioneer of the new analytical-positivist jurisprudence, Hart is famous in western jurisprudence as his superb legal theory.

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这也许是最混合在音乐室,在一个中立的调色板和传统的马车是由英国国旗饮誉枕头和甲壳虫乐队的鼓了明显的葡萄酒商店在伦敦成立。This blend is perhaps most obvious in the music room, where a neutral palette and a traditional chaise are jazzed up by Union Jack pillows and a Beatles drum set from vintage shops in London.