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应用它。Apply it.

单击应用及玉。Click Apply & Ok.

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同样的,音乐应用程序。Same with Music app.

应用程序已通过验证。Applications verified.

如何应用晒霜?How to apply self-tan?

然后启动应用程序。Then you start the app.

试着用用放松压力的应用程序。Try a de-stressing app.

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那桌面应用呢?What About the Desktop?

我偶然发现一个应用程序。I stumbled across an app.

该应用程序是小于2MB!The app is less than 2MB!

此应用程序是非模态的。The application is amodal.

应用相同的原则。The same principles apply.

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让应用程序恢复运行。Let the application resume.

我获得了什么应用程序?What applications do I get?

提交任何已应用的文件组。Commit any applied filesets.

HAP有广泛应用前景。HAP has wide applied future.

此应用程序是无状态的。The application is stateless.

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随后我会重新应用那些更改。Then I reapply those changes.

这种药应用得很广泛。This medicine is widely used.

我们向过程应用政策。We apply policy to processes.