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就是胃不和则卧不安。She just broke up with Aden.

他的职责是播种不和。His Office is to sow Discords.

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是什么原因让我们产生了不和协?What is causing our disharmony?

你用的削球不和。You didn't use the slice a lot.

他与邻人不和睦。He is at enmity with his neighbours.

不和人交谈的人一无所知。He that converses not knows nothing.

刘静不和你说了。我快迟到了。I have to go. I am going to be late.

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老鹅不和狐狸一起玩。Thee old goose plays not with foxes.

我宁愿不和他们做生意了。I'd rather not do business with them.

她不和别的猫分享床。She hisses and doesn't share the bed.

呃…不了,我不和术士决斗。Um, no thanks, I don't duel warlocks.

侮辱只是起到了加剧长期不和的作用。Insults only served to inflame the feud.

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一次口角导致了我们之间的不和。Our discord was originated by a quarrel.

但是,我从不和他们中的任何一个握手。But I never shook hands with any of them.

什么事使得这个家庭不和?What has brought discord into the family?

她厌恶不和,以蛇为代表。She repulses Discord, represented by snakes.

您这个人,不和旁人一样,马德兰爷爷。You are not like other men, Father Madeleine.

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他同比尔·盖茨不和已几十年。He has been feuding with Bill Gates for decades.

一股不和之兆正慢慢破坏他们的关系。A note of _discord_ crept into their relationship.

在此作品中有无更多的和协音程或是不和协的?。Is there more consonance or dissonance in this work?