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如果你有失业保险的,务必要交全。If you have unemployment insurance, be sure to pay the whole.

这份法案同时延长失业保险到第二年。The planalso extends unemployment insurance for another year.

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我是一个自由职业者,所以没有失业保险。And I'm a free-lancer, so I can't get an unemployment insurance.

最首要也是最慷慨的救助形式是失业保险。The first and most generous form of help is unemployment insurance.

失业保险基金是社会保险基金中的一种专项基金。Unemployment insurance fund for social insurance funds in a special fund.

这也意味着我们要为失业人员延长失业保险期。That means extending unemployment insurance for workers who lost their job.

这也意味着我们要为失业人员延长失业保险期。That means extending unemployment insurance for workers who lost their jobs.

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他们说由于太费钱所以我们不能继续提供失业保险。They say we shouldn’t provide unemployment insurance because it costs money.

政府削减支出的另一个领域是失业保险。Another area where the government cut spending was on unemployment insurance.

而且,削减失业保险不仅仅是不明智的,也是不正当的。And, cutting unemployment insurance is not only not smart, it’s not right either.

你的失业保险将从你失业的第三周起生效。Your unemployment insurance will inure from the third week of your being out of work.

德国于1927年开始,逐步建立居民的失业保险制度。Germany in 1927, gradually established residents of the unemployment insurance system.

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看看有样的失业保险,健康保险,退休金福利遣散费。Find out about unemployment insurance, health insurance, pension benefits and severance pay.

如果因为渎职被炒你可能拿不了失业保险,但是不要自己假定情况如何。If you were fired for misconduct you may not be eligible, but, don't presume that is the case.

显示适宜的决定以允许或拒绝向失业保险受益支付。Show an appropriate resolution that allows or denies payment of Unemployment Insurance Benefits.

国务院规定或者批准的与失业保险有关的其他费用。e.other expenses relating to unemployment insurance stipulated or approved by the State Council.

如果要对失业保险基金提起诉讼,则要通过地方行政法院进行。Appeal against the unemployment insurance fund decision may be made to county administrative court.

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健全失业保险制度和城市居民最低生活保障制度。We should improve the systems of unemployment insurance and subsistence allowances for urban residents.

在这里的民主共和两党在过去已经支持增加失业保险的发放时间。Democrats and Republicans in this chamber have supportedunemployment insurance plenty of times in the past.

该部要求地方政府应制定应急预案以处理大规模裁员现象,并落实失业保险。It ordered them to draw up emergency plans for handling mass redundancies and to guarantee unemployment insurance.