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淡水养鱼大有可为。There are bright prospects for freshwater fish farming.

选种培育以提高产量会大有可为。There is potential for selective breeding for better yields.

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植物遗传学是开放创意大有可为的另一个领域。Plant genetics is another field showing the promise of open innovation.

有鉴于此,我们可以预见风水在美国将大有可为。In view of this, we can foresee a bright future for geomancy in America.

随着中西关系不断深入发展,中西论坛的工作大有可为。With the deepening of China-Spain relations, the forum has a big potential to be tapped.

达伦。弗莱彻相信巴伦西亚在曼联仍然大有可为。Darren Fletcher is confident Antonio Valencia will still have a big future at Manchester United.

实践证明天然植物染料在真丝绸上的染色大有可为。Practice has proved the dyeing on the real silk of natural plant dyestuffs has bright prospects.

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努力地经营特色,山西地方文献工作一定前景光明,大有可为。If we develop its characters well, the work for Shanxi's local documents must be of a bright future.

倡议绿色能源的人士指出,目前刺激经济计划中所采取的措施看来大有可为.Green energy advocates said steps taken so far as part of the economic stimulus package look promising.

中英合作前景广阔,到中国留学、学习汉语前程似锦,大有可为。A flourishing China-UK partnership means promising prospects for studying in China and learning mandarin.

因此,有关否定性结构专用副词的专题研究大有可为之处。So, monographic study on adverbial words with special purpose in denying structures can have much places.

文艺活动的特殊性质,使其在矫治工作中大有可为。Due to their speciality, the literary and artistic activities play a very important role in the work of therapy.

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中日韩合作顺应时代潮流,大有可为。The cooperation among China, Japan and ROK complies with the trend of times and therefore has a bright prospect.

Kindler向路透表示,"要说并购市场已经触底仍为时过早",但他称已经见到大有可为的迹象.Kindler told Reuters it was "way too early to call the bottom of the M&A market" but said he saw promising signs.

中国是儒家文化的发源地,通过弘扬传统文化以促进中国廉政建设大有可为。As China is the orient of the culture of Confucianism, we should present the construction of government's clearance.

与英国大约每人每年100升和日本大约每人每年70升的消耗值相比,还大有可为。It compares with consumption figures of almost 100 litres per person per year in the UK and about 70 litres in Japan.

两国在可再生能源发展和提高能效等领域合作大有可为。China and Germany have much to benefit from cooperation in developing renewable energy and improving energy efficiency.

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如果在这种环境下你都能获得增长,当经济危机过去的时候你将会大有可为。If you can grow, even in these times, you will emerge on the other side of the economic crisis ahead of the competition.

开发这些资源以引导甘孜州经济的发展,将是大有可为的。The exploitation of the tourist resources is of great importance to economic development of the Garzê Autonomous Prefecture.

如果说“川野”是义乌企业“借东风”的一个成功个例,那么更多其他行业的义乌企业同样大有可为。If "wild" is the enterprise in Yiwu "circumstance" of a successful case, then more Yiwu businesses ' also in other industries.