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桌面一瞥。Peeking at the Desktop.

但他这一瞥几乎什么都没看到。But he’d hardly glanced at it.

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他稍稍一瞥,景物尽收眼底。His glance embraced the scene.

我只一瞥,千朵万朵,争奇斗妍。Ten thousand saw I at a glance.

俺向她们投去警告性地一瞥。I flashed a warning glance at them.

冷眼一瞥,看生,看死。Cast a cold eye , on life, on death.

从门扉的缝隙投来一瞥。Glimpse through an interstice caught.

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他很内疚地回头一瞥。He glanced guiltily over his shoulder.

我只惊鸿一瞥地看到他们。I got only a fleeting glimpse of them.

她轻蔑的一瞥使他感到羞惭。She withered him with a scornful look.

她“轻蔑”的一瞥使他无地自容。She withered him with a scornful look.

这些黄水仙是对永恒的匆匆一瞥。What a fleeting glance of the everlasting

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女人的一瞥就足以使我惶恐不已。A woman's glance is enough to intimidate me.

他的老婆对那举起的报纸投以不高兴的一瞥。His threw a surly glance at the upraised newspaper.

丹妮给了她狂野的孩子们最后一瞥。Dany gave her wild children one last lingering look.

法里亚以极其轻蔑的一瞥回敬了这句讽刺他的话。He took a scornful glance at me when he left my room.

只一瞥,就足以杀死那个好色的家伙。Just a glance is quite enough to kill the lustful guy.

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伍兹的威尔即使跪下也对她投以不怀好意的一瞥。Will of the Woods leered at her even as he took a knee.

“闭嘴,”贝西说,“那不过是短暂的一瞥。“Stop it,” Bessie said. “It was only a fleeting glance.

希望拉赫洛赐予恩惠,让我一瞥国王陛下。Perhaps R'hllor will vouchsafe me a glimpse of His Grace.