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比传统单刀双簧屏蔽门更加持久的屏蔽效能。Out performs outlasts traditional single knife-edge doors.

是柏林法比欧双簧四重奏的成员,担任低音双簧管演奏。As bass oboe player she is a member of the Faboi Doublereedquartet Berlin.

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“卖地”露了马脚顺驰与融创早为股东合演双簧?。"sell" show features Shun Chi Chong morning with him for shareholders stooges double reed ?

一种双簧的木制管乐器,类似于双簧管,但音高比双簧管低五度。A double-reed woodwind instrument similar to but larger than the oboe and pitched lower by a fifth.

簧片乐器又细分为单簧和双簧乐器,前者如单簧管,后者如双簧管。A double-reed woodwind instrument similar to but larger than the oboe and pitched lower by a fifth.

张力枪分单簧张力枪和双簧张力枪两种,主要用在做电线电缆的放线架上,起过线张力的作用。Tension gun is to use fault line equipment arramgin the line rack on cable machinery equipment in wire.

花样百出的周伯伯想到了为文老师表演双簧,希望笑声可以减轻病痛对她的折磨。Variety of Zhou Bobo thought of for the teacher performance looks, hope laughter can reduce pain for her.

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圆号之后紧接着是一段双簧主题,柴可夫斯基在草稿中将其称之为“光线”。The horn cantilena is followed by an oboe theme that Tchaikovsky refers to in his sketches as "a ray of light".

簧片乐器又细分为单簧和双簧乐器,前者如单簧管,后者如双簧管。The reed instruments are further divided into single-reed and double-reed instruments, such as the clarinet and the oboe.

赵大和钱二在戏班遇上藤大牙,赵大掩护钱二逃跑,钱二却又折回带赵大躲进了双簧戏班。Zhao and money in up in two fangs cane, zhao big screen money two escape, and the money back into the but again with zhao big hide into the double-reed woodwind existed.

有一次,我们的双簧表演不经意地被捅破了,此时乔只好扮成盗贼,大声嚷嚷地逃出,我则假装没有追上他。At one point our duplicity, or twoness, was inadvertently revealed, whereupon Joe noisily fled and I pretended to give unsuccessful chase, representing him to be a burglar.

双簧是曲艺的一种,一个人在前面表演,一个人在后面说或唱,互相配合。The two-man act is a kind of Chinese folk art. It requires cooperation between the two performers, one acting in front while the other one speaks or sings behind the others back.

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基于振动系统质量周期法,设计了一种测试发动机质量参数的双簧倒立摆试验台。Based on the mass-period method, a measuring device named double spring inversion pendulum was designed, which could measure the center of mass and moment of inertia of an engine.

好的,你们可能在书上看到过,巴松管是个双簧乐器,我将为你们演示双簧怎样演奏,你们可能见过,如果没有请看我演示,我吹奏时,两个木片会一起震动All right. So you probably read in the book that the bassoon is a double reed instrument, and so just to show you what that looks like-- You've probably seen it but if you haven't, two pieces of wood vibrate together when I blow through them.