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成为百草中的至尊。Become the King of Herbs.

用他那至尊的眼媚悦着山顶。Flatter the mountain tops with sovereign eye.

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至尊这的扣篮喂现在是可利用的在大气。This Dunk Hi Supreme is now available at Atmos.

至尊宝假戏真做,找到真爱。Sovereign treasure stark reality, to find true love.

至尊卡在手,走遍世界皆无忧!With the World Signia card the world is your oyster!

人至上,客至尊,专注UV事业!People paramountcy, guest to honor, absorbed in UV career!

皇家家具,至尊生活的尊崇享受。The imperial furniture, the supreme life venerates enjoys.

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至尊信誉,至精技术,优质质量。Supreme prestige, to fine technology, high quality quality.

胜利终于在望,但是至尊魔戒的力量无人能敌。Victory was near. But the power of the Ring could not be undone.

我们不会无理由的就说你是至尊无上的存有。We do not tell you that you are sovereign beings without reason.

人间的至尊—皇帝总该心满意足了吧,但是,没有。World of sovereign-the emperor total should content it, but, no.

五谷杂粮,蛋黄白莲,至尊凤梨。Mixed Corn and Grains, Egg Yolk & Lotus Paste, Imperial Pineapple.

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持卡人在消费时,请向酒店出示圣德至尊会员卡。The card owner should present the card at the Hotel when consuming.

象酷冷至尊这样的厂商真的需要介绍吗?Does a manufacturer like Cooler Master really need to be introduced?

愿潞西人离开魔鬼转而敬拜至尊之主。Pray for the Zaiwa to turn from demon worship to the Sovereign Lord.

独特的33楼VIP空中会所为贵宾提供商务、休闲的至尊服务。The unique VIP club on the 33th floor provides guests prefect service.

亚龙湾五号度假别墅酒店是当前中国首家超大型至尊滨海度假别墅区。The Hotel is China's first super-large imperatorial coastal villa area.

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怎麽说圣体是至尊至大的圣事呢?Why is the Blessed Eucharist the greatest and noblest of the sacraments ?

“诚信为本,服务至尊”是华纺坚持的营销理念。"Integrity-based, service supreme" is the marketing idea Huafang insists.

皇家总统套房更让您感受万般尊崇、广夏千间的至尊体验。The Royal President's suite make you feel homage and sovereign experiences.