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她对这很气恼。She was in a peeve over it.

这使他气恼,那个入侵。It annoyed him, the invasion.

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晚饭太晚让我父亲气恼了。The late dinner disgruntled my father.

脏乱的教室是J博士最气恼的事。Messy classrooms are Dr. J's pet peeves.

他性情好,从不气恼。He is good-humored and never took offence.

没有一件事比苦等爽约的人更令人气恼的了。Nothing is more irritating than being stood up.

然而许多改革的结果都要花上很久才能见到,这的确令人气恼。Yet many reforms take agonisingly long to appear.

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当我上节课瞅见他又来晚时,我变患上很气恼。I got annoyed when Isaw him late again last class.

疼痛、气恼、沮丧,我差不多要哭出来。I was very dose to tears of rage, pain and frustration.

对任何人来说第一个电话必然是令人气恼。For anyone involved I'm sure the first call was mortifying.

使得查理·斯拉特大为气恼的就是这片苗圃。It was this plantation that had so annoyed Charlie Slatter.

此时协会中的歪风邪气是令她最气恼的事。The iniquities of the unions are her pet peeve at the moment.

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我想知道,是被压抑的气恼,还是轻佻。I wanna know if it was repressed black anger or just giddiness.

然而,让她气恼的是,过去的那些在她结婚那天依然伴随着她。Her past accompanied them down the aisle though, much to her anger.

我看和一些外行在一起工作让他很是气恼。I think the fact that he's working with amateurs really frustrates him.

假如这种状况在ISFP身上时常发生,他们会变得苦闷而气恼,自认为是受害者。If this happens frequently to an ISFP, they may become bitter and angry.

摒除不耐、气恼、紧张和琐碎。Its possession eliminates impatience, anger, nervousness and restlessness.

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其实,他并不气恼他们自我安慰和忘恩负义的模式。Verily, he is not indignant at their modes of consolation and ingratitude.

日前,成都市民邵女士打来热线电话,气恼地告诉记者。A few days ago, chengdu citizens from ms shao hotline, fretfully told reporters.

回过神来,我有点气恼自己注意力不集中而去想东想西了,我重新让自己静下来心无杂念。I would then get annoyed for losing focus and force myself to think of nothing again.