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主人公罗宾是一个性别模糊的女性,在书中被称为“第三性”。Robin Vote is a being of non-sex or the "third sex", so called in the book.

“在人类学中,你不能将同性恋和第三性别混同,”他说。"In anthropology, you can't equate third gender with homosexuality," he said.

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第二部分对发明专利的可专利性和专利三性进行初步分析。In the second part, the paper have a preliminary analysis on patentability and utility.

在这“三性”的前提下,还必须讲求作品的独特性和前瞻性。In this "three of" under the premise of the work also must be unique and forward-looking.

环境权具有生态性权利、经济性权利和精神性权利三性一体的属性。The environmental rights include the ecological right, economical right and spiritual right.

三性是指周期性、倍周期性和每个周期的黄金分割性。The triplet-characters means periodicity, multiple periodicity and golden section character of every period.

铁凝小说以“第三性”写作的视角,构建了色彩斑斓的女性世界。From the writing angle of "the third gender" in Tiening's novels, a colorful female world is completely constructed.

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我们对那些官员说,如果不把第三性别单列出来,我们就上法庭,只有这样他们才同意。It was only after we said that we would go to court that the officials agreed to include the third gender as a category.

据新华社报道,尼泊尔即将展开新一轮人口普查,届时将首次将”第三性”作为性别选项。Nepal's upcoming national census will include an option for people to register themselves as a "third gender, " Xinhua reported.

用三性法按华北历史地震资料讨论了邢台大震的发生年份。With triplet-character method, the article discusses occurrence year of Xingtai earthquake with historical catalogue in north China.

但活跃人士说,政府官员在发写明第三性别的身份证上的勉强态度意味着那一天可能还很远。But activists say, reluctance among officials to issue the sexuality-specific citizenship certificates means that day may be far away.

围绕基因到底是属于发明还是发现及基因专利的三性问题展开了详细论述。This paper discusses detailedly that whether gene belongs to invention or discovery and the three characteristics of genetically patent.

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从审计目标看,应侧重合规性、资金使用的三性、企事业单位环境控制和治理情况等的审计。Considering the audit objective, the content of environmental audit should include the regularity, the three part of the funds application.

环境权具有生态性权利、经济性权利和精神性权利三性一体的属性。其内容包括程序性权利和实体性权利。The environmental rights include the ecological right, economical right and spiritual right. Its content includes procedural right and substantive right.

不过,拉什迪爵士的贡献,包括对严厉,旧军官父亲的不满,但又全然,接受“第三性”儿子的文字描述,也是卓越的。Yet his contribution, which includes a description of a stiff, ex-army father's begrudging , but complete, acceptance of his hijra son, is one of the best.

你要变得非常自我,超然于三性态之上而处于纯净的灵性意识状态,脱离二元性,并且没有获得和占有的概念。Become self-related, transcendent to the three modes in pure spiritual consciousness, free from duality and free from conceptions of acquisition and preservation.

工程德育学内容上的永恒主题,载体上的常规渠道,方法上的“三性”模式,编织着德育系统“网”。In EME, an eternal theme in the content, certain routine ways on the carries, and "three-characteristic" of the method, weave the network of moral education system.

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三性分布是指周期性、倍周期性和黄金分割性组成的时间分布。So-called the temporal triplet distribution is the temporal series consisting of the periodicity , the multiplied periodicity and the golden section of every period.

迈赫迪军发言人已经“关于促进担心'第三性'和'伊拉克男子女性化',这表明民兵行动补救,”根据报告。Mahdi Army spokesmen have "promoted fears about the 'third sex' and the 'feminization' of Iraq men, suggesting that militia action was the remedy, " according to the report.

从基因生物学含义的角度来看,基因符合“新颖性”、“创造性”、“实用性”的三性要求,属于专利保护范围。From the angle of biological conception , gene conforms to the all requirements of "novelty ", "inventiveness"and "utility", and falls within the scope of patent protect ion.