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黄河故道一带也是发病率较高的地区。Also the incidence in the former Yellow River vally was high.

河流的故道已经被填平,修成公路了。The old river course has been filled up and remade into a driveway.

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深州市地处黑龙港流域滹沱河故道,为冲积平原。City is located in the deep basin Heilonggang Hutuo OXBOW for the alluvial plain.

沿着帝王故道慢慢走来,鼓楼苍然,钟声依旧。Following the imperial road leisurely, the drum-tower seems deserted yet the bell still sounds.

因而选用鳞片作为鉴定长江天鹅洲故道短颌鲚年龄的材料。So squama was selected to judge the age of C. brachynathus in Swan oxbow of the Yangtse River. 4.

该建筑物的基础横跨黄河故道及堤岸,并贯穿有地下防空洞。The building was constructed over ancient Yellow River and its dike, and an air raid shelter underneath.

砀山酥梨是我国华北、西北、黄河故道等地区的主栽品种。Dangshan pear is the main variety planted in northern and Northwest China, ancient channel of Yellow River.

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沙质沉积物主要来源于现代流水作用、干涸湖泊和河流故道。The sandy materials mainly originate from modern fluvial action, dry lake deflation and older river courses.

徐州鼓楼民生综合服务中心基地临近黄河故道,地处中山北路附近的城市核心地带。Xuzhou Gulou Public Service Centre is located close to the old Yellow River course on Zhongshan Bei Road near to the heart of the city.

豫北临黄河故道的轻砂壤土质地区,花生为当前秋季的主要种植作物。Peanut is one of main autumn crops at present on the light sandy loam soil areas near the old course of the Huanghe River of north Henan.

本底调查和试养江豚的结果表明,长江天鹅洲故道是建立白豚半自然保护区的理想场所。After about two years'observation and monitoring, our results indicated that the oxbow is ideal as a semi-natural habitat for the fin-less porpoises.

如同河流蜿蜒流过,一个大家围坐在一起的空间,吃的是一家人。故道和曲线允许当事人集群。Like the river, a single table meanders through the space – here everyone sits around and eats as a family. Oxbows and curves allow parties to cluster.

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丰县地处黄河故道地区,以沙质土壤为主,适宜多种果品生长。Fengxian County is located in the Ancient Canal Region of Yellow River, the soil of which is mainly sandy, quite suitable for the growth of various fruits.

频整顿吏治,安定社会,发官仓赈济灾民,雇乡民疏通六门堰,按故道引水灌田。Frequency rectify the official, stable society, made official position relief victims, employed villagers to clear the six weirs, cited by oxbow pour field.

总结了山东省聊城市黄河故道治沙生态建设的主要成就,分析了治沙面临的问题和困难,提出了沙区生态建设、经济建设可持续发展的对策。Main achievement on ecological construction of sand-conrtol in the old course of the Yellow River in Liaocheng city, Shandong Province were summed up in this paper.

商丘市黄河故道湿地以其独特的自然和人文景观为湿地生态旅游提供了有利条件。The wetland of the Yellow River's old course in Shangqiu has offered the advantage for developing wetland eco-tourism with its unique nature and humanity landscape.

但泡桐不太耐寒,一般只分布在海河流域南部和黄河流域,是黄河故道上防风固沙的最好树种。Paulownia but not too cold, generally located in the Haihe River valley south and the Yellow River Basin, along the Yellow River is the best precautions sand species.

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叙述了黄河故道地区的基本情况及实施农业资源综合开发的必要性。It related the fundamental states of the area of Ancient Canal of Yellow River and the necessary of the implement of the comprehensive agricultural resources development.

对豫东黄河故道湿地鸟类自然保护区现状进行了调查,并提出了生态保护规划。The status quo of wetland bird nature preserve in Yellow River's old riverbed of Eastera Henan Province was investigated. Its ecological protection planning was presented.

本文根据工程实际的大量现场测试和室内试验,提出了上海苏州河故道砂质粉土综合运用宏观评判和微观定量判定进行液化评价的原则和方法。Based on a large amount of field and laboratory tests the standard and methods for the liquefaction evaluation of sandy silt in the old course of Suzhou River are presented.