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这种“亲代投入理论”尤其可以很好地解释人类行为。This “parental investment theory” should apply especially well to humans.

这表明一些藻类也许直接通过亲代直接传到子代。Which suggests that some algae may be handed down directly from parent to child.

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亲代养育的变化可能驱动控制压力反应的神经结构的转变。Variations in parental care may drive neural structuresthat regulate stress responses.

根据孟德尔自由分离规律,从子代的基因型推断出亲代可能的基因。And the genotypes of the parental oysters were assessed according to the Mendelian laws.

在亲代自身因素的影响中,亲代虫龄差异是主要因素。Differences between parental instars are the main reason for variation in parental factors.

有丝分裂是指一个亲代细胞,变为两个子细胞的有序的过程Mitosis is an orderly sequence of events by which one parent cell becomes two daughter cells.

平均上而言,你身上的DNA有多少比例是从你的亲代的外曾祖母遗传给你的?On average, what percentage of your DNA have you inherited from your paternal great-grandmother ?

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亲代由标记基因遗传给后代的加性遗传方差值可以用来测定标记基因这种效益。Additive genetic variance of mark gene of parents can be used for detecting the select efficiency.

生物学家在一百多年前就知道,生物的表征遗传自其亲代。The biologist knew more than 100 years ago, biological attribute heredity from its parental generation.

表观遗传特性的同样问题存在于亲代和子代之间。A similar question remains for the inheritance of the epigenetic characteristics from parents to offspring.

家系调查表明,亲代与子代之间,杂交片段的遗传符合孟德尔法则。Pedigree investigation showed that the inheritance of hybridized bands was in accordance with Mendelian law.

结果利用两个数据来源,从亲代体重和健康角度阐述与子代性别之关系。The sex of children generation tends to be the same as the properly heavier and healthier parental generation.

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他们发现如果给实验白鼠的亲代身上注入病毒蛋白质,在子代的身上会发生相同的行为改变。They’ve found that mice suffer similar changes in their behavior if their mothers are exposed to viral proteins.

遗传相似性和遗传多样性分析的结果表明,大鲵亲代与子二代的平均遗传距离分别为0。The average genetic similarity between the parent and the second filial population was very high, which reached 0.

亲代物种灭绝而其子代物种或是亚种仍存在的情况就叫“假灭绝”。Extinction of a parent species where daughter species or subspecies are still alive is also called pseudoextinction.

在报告中指出,含有病毒蛋白质的亲代老鼠的免疫系统生成一种分子,改变胎儿大脑中的某些干细胞。In response to the viral protein, the mouse’s immune system produces molecules that alter certain stem cells in the fetal brain.

用电泳法研究了细菌L型及其亲代细菌型和一些肠道杆菌的电动力学特征。Characterizations of electrokinetics of bacterial L-forms and some bacteria of enterobacteriaceae were studied by electrophoresis.

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本发明涉及一种新的蛋白质变体,该变体当与亲代蛋白质相比时显示减少的变应原性。The present invention relates to novel protein variants that exhibit reduced allergenicity when compared to the parental proteins.

亲代染色体的相互作用-联会发生严重缺陷,导致生殖细胞死亡。There was a profound defect in interactions of parental chromosomes, a process known as synapsis , leading to death of germ cells.

本研究评估受影响的先证者的性别、表现型和受影响的第一亲代性别之间的关系。We sought to assess the relation between the sex and phenotype of affected probands and the sex of affected first-degree relatives.