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1664年康熙皇帝实行湖广分治后,湖北和湖南成为单独的省份。Until the reign of Kangxi, Hubei and Hunan formed one province in 1664.

如果可以这么做,那么分治算法是个好的选择,接下的问题就是我需要把问题分成多少份?And then the things I have to ask is how much of a division do I want to do?

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对“胡汉分治”这一概念,则应作进一步的分析。We should analyze the concept of the separate rule for the Hus and Hans again.

对于分治处理,可以尝试使用最小场景来重现该问题。For divide and conquer, try to use the smallest scenarios to reproduce the problem.

采用分治策略来构造概念格是解决这一问题的有效途径。The Divide-and-conquer Strategy is the effective approach of forming concept lattice.

信德原属孟买管辖,但在印巴分治后,现在是巴基斯坦的一部分。Sind itself was in the Bombay Presidency, but after Partition is now part of Pakistan.

胡汉分治实际上是一种民族分治,原为中原汉族政权治理边地少数民族的政策。HU-HAN-FEN-ZHI is the policy of distinguishing between the minority nationality and the hans.

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安排比赛用分治法实现可以重复输入比赛队数,排版美观。Competition arrangements with sub-rule method can be re-enter the team number, layout aesthetics.

好了,二分搜索也许是,最简单的分治算法,这意味着什么?Binary search is perhaps the simplest of the divide and conquer algorithms, and what does that mean?

因此,除非有什么可以分治状态空间,否则系统将变得难以控制地复杂。So unless something is done to divide and conquer the state space, systems become unmanageably complex.

它否定了分治以前穆斯林和非穆斯林之间的所有共通点。It turned its back on all that had been common between Muslims and non-Muslims in the era before partition.

暴力发生时,外交手段和媒体舆论都呼吁一个两国分治的解决方案。During eruptions of violence, the mantra of diplomats and editorialists is the need for a two-state solution.

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提出一种基于分治策略的确定主导谐波和主导间谐波的算法。An algorithm based on divide-and-conquer is put forward to find out the dominant harmonics and interharmonics.

最后得出了用分治术设计算法的一个基本原则。At last, a fundamental principle of efficient algorithm design by divide-and-conquer technique is established.

尽管当时巴基斯坦和英属印度已经实行了分治,但最初看来似乎不会出现人口迁移。Despite the partition of British India, it had seemed at first that there would be no transfer of populations.

巴基斯坦存在的这种混乱使其在分治后的几十年中明显处于政治动荡局面。Pakistan's existential confusion made itself apparent in the political turmoil of the decades after partition.

第一次印支战争结束以后,依据日内瓦协议,越南南北暂时分治。After the first Indo-china war, Vietnam was divided into two parts temporarily according to the Geneva Agreements.

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请允许我重申引入的基于“分治处理”原则的结构方法的精髓。Let me reiterate the essence of the introduced architectural approach based on the "divide and conquer" principle.

这也是毛派明显在地方权力分治的模糊定义上纠缠不休的部分原因。The Maoists are partly to blame for this, having ostensibly fought for a vaguely defined decentralisation of power.

在编程模型上支持普通的主—从模式的编程模式和具有子任务递归迭代的分治模式编程。Besides the master-slave style parallel programming model and the divide-conquer style were also supported on GCRSE.