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他眨眨眼,传来男人的信号,默许了吉姆的罪过。Winking a man\'s signal.

即使偷一根不值什么钱的针也是一种罪过。It is a sin to steal a pin.

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想死是一种罪过。It is a sin to want to die.

求祢宽恕我们的罪过。And forgive us our trespasses.

这样迷恋自己真是一种罪过。Self so self-loving were iniquity.

神父赦免了他的罪过。The priest absolved him of his sins.

失败不为过错,胸无大志才是罪过。Not failure , but low aim , is crime.

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我的罪孽和罪过有多少呢。How many are mine iniquities and sins?

都是那笨蛋侦探的罪过!And by the blundering of the detective!

愿上帝宽恕你的罪过。May God grant you pardon for your sins.

抑或清洗能将以前的罪过涤荡一空?Or because ablution washes away the past?

罪过不让人痛心,让人痛心的是良心。Vice nah hurt but conscience ah hurt yuh.

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她犯了罪过,爱错了人。She committed the crime of loving wrongly.

一本好书翻得差劲,可就罪过了。A bad translation of a good book is a crime.

你觉得最不能让人宽恕的罪过是什么?What do you think is the least forgivable sin?

宽仁之心可以赶走罪过,但是赶不走内疚。Forgiveness removes the debt, but not the guilt.

同性爱被看作是一种违反自然的罪过。Lesbianism was considered a crime against nature.

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任何的不义都是罪过,但也有不至于死的罪过。All iniquity is sin. And there is a sin unto death.

商学院的主要罪过是天花乱坠的吹捧奉承。The original sin of business schools is boosterism.

现在我将在绞刑架上赎我一切的罪过。Now i was to expiate all my offences at the gallows.