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或者有什麽可以将我的口舌囚禁至死?Or put my tongue in durance for to die?

打个马虎眼有时可省却许多口舌来解释。A little inaccuracy sometimes saves tons of explanation.

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议论别人往往陷入鸡毛蒜人为什么那么虚伪皮的是非口舌中纠缠不清。Comment often into trivial is tangled up in the words of others.

朝鲜经常挑起南北双方之间的口舌之争。North Korea frequently lobs incendiary rhetoric across the border.

你必须先费很多口舌,花很多时间,而且结果难以预料。But no, you need to talk “beaucoup” first. Shopping takes time here.

议论别人往往陷入鸡毛蒜皮的是非口舌中纠缠不清。Talking about others will make your trapped in ravelment by trifiles.

另外,双方的口舌之战也愈演愈烈,有时甚至是不加掩饰的威胁。Added to that has been a raging war of words and thinly veiled threats.

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议论别人往往陷入鸡毛蒜皮的是非口舌中纠缠不清。Talk people tend to fall into a non-trivial quarrel in the long-winded.

我的口舌,我的灵魂,以及天地万物,当一齐赞美祢,称扬祢。Let my lips and my soul and all created things unite to praise and bless You.

这在他们的眼中,与其说是其他的不如说是口舌之争。This, in their eyes, appears to be more of a war of words than anything else.

但目击者声称,受害者当时仅仅与警方发生了口舌争执。But eyewitnesses said the youths had only exchanged verbal insults with police.

这可以为他们省去一些时间和自己找号码要费的口舌。It could save them a bit of time and hassle in finding the numbers for themselves.

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当她意识到另一场关于“我爱你”的口舌之争拉开序幕时,她的眼睛闪闪发亮。Her eyes lit up as she recognized the cue for the start of another "l love you more" match.

吃他饭的人,口舌欺人。多少次,多少人要讥笑他呢?For they that eat his bread, are of a false tongue. How often, and how many will laugh him to scorn!

愿我的口舌称述上主的光荣,愿众生赞美他的圣名于无穷!Let my mouth speak in praise of the Lord, let every creature bless his holy name, for ever and ever.

费了半天口舌,张姓人答应给他们石磨,但要两百元钱的转让费。The Zhang promised to give them the stone. But they must give him two hundred yuan as the transfer fees.

婚姻如意但事多,多源于争论冲突,口舌之争要忍让三分,方能家和万事兴。Marriage luck but things, stems from the conflict, war of words to three tolerance, to home and everything.

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为了避免评论沦入口舌之争,我在下面的分析中不会提及苹果或者跟苹果单独对比。To cut you off in the comments, I won’t mention or make a single comparison to Apple in the analysis below.

神经系统症状例如感到头晕头痛口舌四肢和身体麻木视听模糊甚至昏迷瘫痪等。Dizziness, headache, numbness of tongue and limbs, blurring of vision, hearing impairment or even coma, paralysis, etc.

警察极有可能陷入口舌之争,其是非对错却是局外人无法判定的。There is a high chance of stumbling into a shouting match, in which right and wrong are beyond the power of outsiders to judge.