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当天的宴会妙不可言,席上一共有十四个人。It was a lovely dinner-party of fourteen.

他的这齣新戏有些地方真是妙不可言。His new play has a certain je ne sais quoi.

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拥有一套完美的橱柜是一件妙不可言的事。Having a perfect cabinet is a wonderful thing.

和我的朋友在一起简直就是妙不可言。It sure is wonderful to be here with my friend!

月光下,金绣球更是妙不可言。Under the moonlight, gold Hydrangea is fantastic.

大腿内侧——这也是个妙不可言的挑逗区。Inner thigh – Here is another wonderfully sensitive area.

腰间吹过所带来的一阵阵的感觉,妙不可言。Waist breeze waves brought about by the feeling, fantastic.

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祝我生日妙不可言,整年沉浸在幸福里!Wishing my a wonderful day and a year filled with happiness!

所有的蝴蝶花全盛开了,那股香味简直妙不可言。All the iris have popped open, and the smell is sheer heaven.

水为能我们提供如此有强度且具享受性的练习,简直妙不可言。How nice is it that water can offer such intense and enjoyable workouts.

“在今后,它们将成为这个妙不可言的结婚日的永恒纪念”。In years to come, they will be a timeless memento of a magical wedding day.

我认为他噬岳界上最好的球员,拥有他的赛季将会妙不可言。I think he is the best player in the world and his season has been incredible.

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不过在那之前,5月5日也是个小小的浪漫日,太阳和土星将相映成趣,当日寻爱,妙不可言。Note May 5 too, when Saturn and the Sun will cook up one special day for finding love.

中国任何一个地方的美味佳肴都会让你大饱口福,流连忘返,妙不可言。Eating anywhere in China can be such a zesty, tasty experience that words do no justice.

他沿着跑道起跑冲刺,那感觉奇特无比,妙不可言,而又似曾相识。As he began sprinting down the runway, something felt wonderfully different, yet familiar.

我觉得缘分妙不可言,要不怎么会认识您这样美貌不可方物的花朵儿呢?I feel wonderful fate, or how you will recognize this beauty of the flowers, not children?

秀色可餐,优雅可饮,醉翁之意,妙不可言。Beautiful scenery but meal, elegance but drink, have ulterior motives, too wonderful for words.

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如果在泡脚的水里再加上一味花椒,那它的效果就更加妙不可言。If the feet of the water coupled with the blind pepper, and that its effect is even more fantastic.

我发现心理学家研究非语言的行为时有着最妙不可言的术语。I've discovered that psychologists studying nonverbal behaviour have the most fantastic terminology.

丽莉继百乐山庄对他表示友好之后,现在又对他微笑,充满了妙不可言的再一次和善。Lily had been kind to him at Bellomont, and was now smiling on him with a divine renewal of kindness.