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北朝营建机制研究??以东魏邺南城建设为例。Building Mechanism in Northern Dynasty??Taking Southern Ye as an Example.

天龙山东西两峰的悬崖腰部,有东魏,北齐、隋、唐开凿的24个洞窟。Yongsan-day peak of the two things back the cliff, Eastern Wei, Northern Qi, Sui , Tang 24 dug caves.

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东魏其他各军也乘胜追击。共杀死敌兵3万余人。Eastern Wei also follow up the victory and the other military. di bing a total of 3 million people killed.

东魏、北齐的更替,在高欢父子的霸府统治基础上得以顺利完成。The overlord department ensured the complete replacement of the Eastern Wei Dynasty by the Northern Qi Dynasty.

天龙山石窟始建于东魏,长久以来由于自然环境因素的影响,地质病害十分严重。On account of the influence of natural factors, there have been serious geological diseases in Tianlong Mountain grottoes.

这是北方二国即西魏东魏战争,南朝萧梁多静观的时期。This is the two countries, namely the North Eastern Wei Western Wei Dynasty war, many Southern Xiaoliang observing period.

这是因侯景乱东魏后三国自身及其相互关系剧烈变化的时期。This is because the Eastern Wei Hou chaos after three dramatic changes in the relationship between themselves and their times.

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龙兴寺的佛教造像风格丰富多变,其中风格独特的东魏、北齐时期的作品广受关注。The styles of LongXing Temple's Buddhist statues are rich. Also the scholar gives much more attention to the characteristic style of Eastern Wei and Northern Qi's works.

东魏北齐侵梁夺地及北齐欲在建康建立傀儡政权,是一种积极进取精神的体现。The enterprising spirit of the Eastern Wei and Northern Qi found its expression in their occupation of Liang and Northern Qi's establishment of a puppet regime in Jiankang.

第四部分讨论汉族士人与恩幸集团在东魏、北齐的状况以及他们和勋贵集团的斗争。It was the struggle between the Han nationality scholar and the sycophant clique and the clique of Xungui that make the Eastern Wei and Northern Qi dynasty to decline rapidly.

这一城制初具于东汉后期,经曹魏、后赵、东魏、北齐不断改进,最终在邺南城的制度中得到总结。The city' s shape was formed on the later period of East Han Dynasty, improved continuously by Caowei, Houzhao. Dongwei and Beiqi Dynasties. Finally the southern Yecheng summarized the all above.

邺城是当时中国北方的政治中心,在这一代的北朝墓群古墓多达134座,主要是东魏、北齐皇陵及皇族、功臣墓。Ye City was the political center of northern China in the north of this generation of up to 134 graves Graves, mainly Eastern Wei, Northern Qi Dynasty imperial tombs and the royal family, hero tomb.