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但木材之争刚刚平息下来,油轮对抗又冒出了苗头。Just as the timber war wound down, the tanker war began.

尽管为时还早,但那些看出左倾苗头的人也不无理由。It is early days, but those who see a leftward tilt have a case.

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此外,信贷紧缩可能抑制开支复苏苗头。Tight credit could suppress any rebound in spending, furthermore.

“危险苗头在平静的环境中难以产生,”他说。“Threats have a hard time hiding in a calm environment, ” he said.

即使在我们这样小的示例中,也可以看到混乱的苗头。Even in our small example, we can see this just beginning to happen.

自杀事件改变了这一切,其苗头自2007年以来已初现端倪,随后便是2010年3月至5月之间的九连跳。That all changed with the suicides. There had been a few since 2007.

占市场主要地位的成屋销售今年秋季时曾出现了企稳的苗头。Home resales , the bulk of the market, had seemed to stabilize this fall.

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进行了几个月之后,这些小小的商业苗头就被数学老师打压下去了。And my business kept on about 2 months. Then my Math teacher destroied it.

自艾滋病崭露苗头时,基督教福音派就同该疾病展开了斗争。Evangelicals have struggled with the subject of AIDS since the disease emerged.

早先在日本从没听说过的代客泊车,如今也有了苗头…Valet parking, previously unheard of in Japan, has begun to make an appearance.

但随着这种苗头由边缘渗入主流,也发出了一些令人不安的信号。But there also have been troubling signs seeping from the margins into the mainstream.

我想我是在多年前读研究生时有了这种想法的苗头。I think I had glimmerings of this perception many years ago when I was a graduate student.

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刘宁说,北方小麦产区已经出现了早期的干旱苗头。Already, there are early signs of drought in the northern wheat-growing areas, Mr. Liu said.

通常在女生来跟你说“我有个大麻烦”前,你已经可以从行为上看到苗头了。More often than girls coming and saying, "I have this big problem," you'll see shifts in behavior.

美国已经逐渐失去了全球银行系统的政策制定者的权威了,从G-7的会议中可以看得到这个苗头。Anglo bankers have lost control in global banking politics. The phased out G-7 Meeting is evidence.

他们指责高层管理者未及时发现办公室里因坏领导而引起的冲突苗头。They faulted senior managers for not recognizing the signs of workplace strife wrought by bad bosses.

科尔开始显露苗头切尔西,他刚刚在严格的穆帅带领下开始了切尔西的生涯。Ashley Cole has risked an early bust-up in his fledgling Chelsea career by criticising manager Jose Mourinho.

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但这同时也意味着医生们能更早发现苗头,而治疗也将具有更小的危害性花费也更便宜。But it will also mean that doctors can catch things earlier, so treatment may be less invasive and less expensive.

政府干预产业发展在发达国家重现苗头,法国政府注资Meccano只是其中的一个个案。France’s tinkering with Meccano is a part of a renewed trend of industrial intervention by governments in rich countries.

其它的一些健康威胁也已经在生猪养殖农场中显出苗头,比如具有耐抗性的金黄色葡萄球菌病毒的出现。Other health threats, such as antibiotic-resistant strains of staphylococcus aureus, have emerged from pig farms as well.