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成功使他干劲十足。He is warmed by his success.

他虽年已七十,但干劲还是十足…At seventy, he is still full of go.

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跟她在一起工作你一定是干劲十足吧?You must be a fireball working with her.

他孜孜不倦的干劲使我们大家惭愧。He perseveres in his work makes us shame.

颖贤是一个有干劲和外向的学生。Iris is an energetic and outgoing student.

信不信由你,这老家伙充满干劲。Believe it or not, the old bird is full of go.

他孜孜不倦的干劲使我们大家羞愧。His unwearied energy make all of us feel ashamed.

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成功或失败取决于革命的干劲。Success or failure consists in revolutionary drive.

尽管这样,他们的精力和干劲还是使我觉得羞愧。Nonetheless, their energy and drive put me to shame.

回到办公桌后你会感到精神焕发,干劲十足。You'll return to your task refreshed and determined.

我们将热情高涨,干劲十足地去尝试英语,体验英语。Let's keep our enthusiasm and try to do what we want.

我真钦佩你的干劲,露斯。你的心态很年轻。A. I admire your energy, Ruth. You are young at heart.

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我们一到那儿就干劲十足地干起来了。As soon as we arrived there,we ploughed into the work.

讲干劲,她比谁都足。When it comes to drive, she's got more than any of us.

劳动很艰苦,可是大家干劲十足。It was hard work, but everybody went at it with a will.

你的意思我明白,我也会激发他们的干劲的!I understand what you mean, I will inspire them motivated!

他们眼下在做的事非常有意思,其热情和干劲也颇具感染力,他们是默默无名的小人物。Their passion and energy is contagious. They are underdogs.

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她的干劲和决心为她赢得了接近默多克的位置。Her drive and determination won her a place close to Murdoch.

磨损生命的力量!再次使用干劲荷尔蒙!The Power That Will Shorten One's Life! Energy Hormone, Redux!

社员们干劲十足地建筑一道堤坝。The commune members went at the building of a dam with a will.