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在过去的十年中,我们生死与共。For ten years, we lived and died together.

在那里,萍水相逢的朋友结成了生死与共的兄弟。There improbable friends pledged to be blood brothers.

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战场上,我有那些生死与共的兄弟朋友们。Back there, I had all these flaky guys who were my friends.

我们是你生死与共的支持者,所以将一直支持你。We'll stand by you, because we're your thick-and-thin supporters.

因为我们并肩作战,我们生死与共,我们无坚不摧!Because we fight side-by-side, we share life and death, we are invincible!

因为在美国,我们作为一个国家和民族生死与共。And because here in America, we rise or fall together, as one nation and one people.

我们人类灵性的进化是一种召唤,要解放我们自身和与我们生死与共的动物。Our human spiritual evolution is a calling to liberate ourselves and the animals we hold in bondage.

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能做些什么实际点的改变咩,让今年不那么惨?还是今年就抱着这些规则生死与共了?Q. Is there anything that can be changed, realistically, this year to make things better? Or are we stuck with these rules for the rest of the year?

在那个年代,许多疾病随时可致人死命,这名女子的话语简练到了极点,高度浓缩了她与这名弥留之际的男子生死与共的深情。In an age when so many diseases readily turned fatal, a woman has stripped down her words to the essence of belief that she shared with the dying man she loved.

我提供了最好的福利因为我想让我的员工有能力过中产生活,所以从长远来看他们会与公司生死与共。I offered the benefits in the first place because I wanted my people to be able to live a middle-class lifestyle, so that they would stick with the company over the long run.