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有些中农只占有一部分土地,另租入一部分土地。Some own only part of their land and rent the rest.

农民这个名称所包括的内容,主要地是指贫农和中农。The term " peasantry" refers mainly to the poor and middle peasants.

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第2章,我国城市化进程中农地非农化的现状和问题。Chapter 2, status and problems of land conversion in China's urbanization.

2004年4月参与组建北京中农盛达科技有限公司。Farmers involved in the formation in April 2004, Shengda Technology Limited.

必须避免对中农采取任何冒险政策。We must avoid adopting any adventurist policies towards the middle peasants.

到了抗战的第三年和第四年,轮到了中农。During the third and fourth years of the war the middle peasants began to go under.

在农事系统中农民间非正式合作状况?What is the situation of informal cooperation between farmers in the farming system?

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这种带头作用即是团结中农和自己一道行动。This forward role consisted in forging unity with the middle peasants for common action.

中农华信动物药业有限责任公司,是一家与时俱进的现代化企业。Individual animal medicine Zhongnong limited liability company, is a modern enterprise times.

你认为他会如何回应关于史达林反富农政策也将会打击到中农的论点?How do you think he would answer Stalin 's argument that anti-kulak policies will also offend middle peasants?

在农会委员会中,在政府中,必须吸收中农积极分子参加工作。The active middle peasants must be drawn into the work of the peasant association committees and the government.

甚至中农也参加了清算地主的斗争,富农也与地主越来越疏远了。Even the middle peasants joined the struggle, while the rich peasants continued to draw further away from the landlord.

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依靠贫农,团结中农,有步骤地有分别地消减封建剥削制度,发展生产。Rely on the poor peasants, unity, middle peasants have cut apart gradually system of feudal exploitation, development of production.

农会争取中农入会,向他们多作解释工作,是完全必要的。It is essential for the peasant associations to get the middle peasants to join and to do a good deal more explanatory work among them.

一直到第二时期,农会势力大盛,中农方加入农会。It was not until the second period, when the peasant associations were already exercising great power, that the middle peasants came in.

我父母离开在山区的村庄,定居在奇旺,在那里我家逐渐成为了中农家庭。My parents left their home village in the mountains and settled in Chitwan, and once there our family upgraded itself to a middle-class peasant family.

以大豆品种中农13为试验材料,研究不同浸泡条件、加热条件以及凝固条件对豆腐凝固质量特性的影响。The soybean variety Zhongnong13 was used to study the effect of soaking, heating and coagulating conditions on tofu-gel strength and water-holding capacity.

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贫农必须向中农做工作,把中农团结到自己方面来,使革命一天一天地扩大,直到取得最后的胜利。The poor peasants have to work on the middle peasants and win them over, so that the revolution will broaden from day to day until final victory is achieved.

在中国农村,凡是能知书断字的人,一般都是些地主子女,至少也是富农或中农的子女。But anyone in the Chinese countryside who can read and write is generally the son or daughter of, if not a landlord, at least a rich peasant or a middle farmer.

好些中小地主、富农乃至中农,从前反对农会的,此刻求入农会不可得。Many middle and small landlords and rich peasants and even some middle peasants, who were all formerly opposed to the peasant associations, are now vainly seeking admission.