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我讨厌他的粗鄙了。I disgusted with him at his vulgarity.

不过这只是最粗鄙的一个回答。But that was only the crudest response.

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小村里粗鄙的父老在那里安睡。The rude forefathers of the hamlet sleep.

我只希望你灵秀的心思不要嫌它太粗鄙But that I hope some good conceit of thine

亡友的这些粗鄙可怜的诗行。These poor rude lines of thy deceased lover.

在公共汽车上大声喧哗是一种粗鄙的行为。Talking loudly on a bus is a sign of vulgarity.

粗鄙的杂货商在老总面前叉起腿子。The gross grocer crossed his legs ago the boss.

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开头并没有一个粗鄙的年轻人。There wasn't an uncouth swain at the beginning.

任何粗鄙或有伤风化的广告,应该删去。Any indecent advertisements need to be censored.

不管怎么说都粗鄙,坏脾气,刻薄。She's rank, ill-tempered, pungent in all senses.

粗鄙得很,别污了殿下漂亮的眼睛。It is too ugly for your highness's beautiful eyes.

粗鄙的杂货商在老板面前叉起腿子.The gross grocer crossed his legs before the boss.

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我曾认为这另外一个人,是爱好虚荣,粗鄙不堪的酒鬼。This other man I had dreamed A drunken, vain-glorious lout.

我曾认为这另外一个人,是爱好虚荣,粗鄙不堪的酒鬼。This other man I had dreamed A drunken, vain-glorious lout.

他曾经在那儿把一只羊腿扔到一个粗鄙惹人的导师的身上。He had flung a leg of lamb at some indelicate disturbing tutor.

电视节目中的粗鄙词语已用哔哔声消除了。The obscene words in the television programmes were bleeped out.

是这个刚刚沉入海湾的太阳还是那个粗鄙的年轻人?The sun that was just dropped into the west or the uncouth swain?

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这是第一次,“粗鄙的青年人吟唱着This is the first moment, right now, "thus sang the uncouth swain."

这是第一次,“粗鄙的青年人吟唱着“This is the first moment, right now, "thus sang the uncouth swain."

他还帮助她改掉街头粗鄙的口音,教会她懂得规矩。while refining her coarse street accent and teaching her discipline.