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三位一体教义。The Doctrine of the Trinity.

他关于基督的教义是什么?What is his doctrine of Christ?

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那是共济会的教义之一。It's part of freemason teachings.

其中一种方法就是藉著错谬的教义。One way is through false doctrine.

而是天主教教义。It's part of Roman Catholic doctrine.

龟仙大师的最终教义之一。One of Master Oogways' final teachings.

很好,意思就是关于耶稣的任何教义。Very good,it means any doctrine of Jesus.

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他对教义的解释一改旧貌。He preached a doctrine which was new to him.

又着力宣传佛理,阐述对佛教教义的解悟。He explained the Buddhist theory of doctrine.

如果你按照教义去做就不必担心No need to worry if you're doing things right.

有些年轻人研究禅宗佛教或伊斯兰巴哈教派的教义。Some young people study Zen Buddhism or Bahai.

这就是因信称义的教义。This is the doctrine of Justification by Faith.

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天主教徒对于新教教义来说,是不可知论者。Catholics are agnostic to the Protestant creeds.

大卫特勒尔继续教虚假的教义。David Terrell continues to teach false doctrines.

万年青常被视作是基督教义的象徵。Evergreen is regarded as a symbol of Christianity.

那么,我们如何与教义上的背道作战呢?How, then, do we fight against doctrinal apostasy?

我们再一次注意到,事奉不只在于教义。Again we note the ministry isn't all about doctrine.

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教义主义者正在玩一场小心而又漫长的游戏。The Islamists are playing a cautious, long-term game.

我刚才说哪些了?,主教,教义,礼仪,经文。What did I say? Bishops,creeds,liturgy,and scripture.

教令全基督教会议的教义或纪律法令。A doctrinal or disciplinary act of an ecumenical council.